The monthly e-newsletter from the Team Vicar of All Saints Whitstable, Rev Simon Tillotson
Visit our website for more info -

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

March 2019 Xtra

Dear all

It's another gloriously sunny day, though as many have pointed out, it is also slightly worrying too as it could be a sign of global warming! 

In these days of political turmoil and with worries about the future of our planet too, it is nonetheless reassuring to know that the life of All Saints continues with plenty of events in March.


This year's confirmation service will be at St Martin's church, Herne, on Saturday 6th April 2019 at 5pm. This is quite soon. Therefore I do need to know from any adults or children (age School year 6 or above) who would be interested in being confirmed as soon as possible. Thank you so much. Please email me at or call our office on Monday, Thursday or Friday mornings after 10am on 01227 275947.

Being confirmed is a special event. You do not need to be a regular churchgoer to be confirmed as I realise it can be a step towards finding a deeper faith and we want to do all we can to encourage people to consider the Christian faith. If you feel you would like to explore this please do not hesitate to contact me.

Lent is just about to begin. 

It starts with our Solemn Eucharist (Holy Communion) and the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday, 6th March,  at 7.30pm at All Saints, though there are other services in the Whitstable Team at 10am which you are welcome to attend if evenings are difficult for you (for example at St Peter's, St Alphege in the High Street, and St John's Swalecliffe).

The previous evening we have a service lasting just a few moments on Tuesday 5th March at the church, again at 7.30pm. We bring our palm crosses to church and they are burned at the end of the short service. The ash from these crosses is then used on Ash Wednesday.

Lent Courses   

There are three Lent courses/ acts of devotion running this year at All Saints.

1) The Pilgrim Course - either Thursday evening or Friday morning at the Vicarage.
To find out about this, including times the course is running and the programme, please click on this link

2) For the first time, I have devised an Online Lent Course as I realise there are some people who are too busy to attend a course but might like to explore from the comfort of their own homes.

To find out about this please click on this link.

                THE ONLINE COURSE

If you are doing the online course I would really appreciate it if you emailed me at to let me know so that I can send you an email when Week 2/3/4/5 and 6 becomes available

As a taster here is the video for Week 1 of the online course

3) In addition to these courses there is a devotional 40 minute event every Sunday evening in Lent starting on Sunday 10th March at 8pm at All Saints. We will be listening to the Book of Hebrews and then the Book of Philippians, all in 20 minute segments over a 6 week period. Each evening will then finish with Compline and there will be an option of going for a drink at the Monument pub afterwards and discussing the subject matter.  Please bring a torch with you.


Our Family Service is as usual on 10th March at 10am with Family Communion but we will also have a Family Communion service on 31st March at  10am when our speaker will be our Children and Families Minister Elena Markova.

Flowers will be given to children at our Mothering Sunday service to give in turn to their mothers or guardians.

There is a quiz night for Christian Aid on Saturday 16th March from 7pm. This will take place at Seasalter Christian Centre. The cost is £5. 

To book a place or table of 8 please phone either

Gordon 01227 275179
David and Jean 01227 271230.

The Whitstable Literary Festival has approached All Saints to host the event this year. With many well known international speakers including Terry Waite, Lord Owen, Janes Runcie, Lynda La Plante and many others, this promises to be a very exciting event. Many of the talks are happening in Marquees in the Vicarage garden. Please book direct with Whitlit at

Partnership with churches in Germany. 

For many years we have had a partnership with churches in Teltow, near Berlin, and also the Black Forest area of Germany. 

We have been invited once again and we are looking for new people to join the partnership as well as our existing circle.

 Rev Keith McNicol will be co-ordinating the group out in Germany but I have agreed to manage the bookings and explain to newcomers what is involved before you leave. 

The dates are Wednesday 29th May to Sunday 2nd June inclusive of travel. The only costs are the airfare as all accommodation and meals are provided by our hosts. 

Do let me (Simon) know if you are interested in coming. We plan to book our flights in early March by which time the EU discussions will hopefully have come to a point of clarity about whether visas will be required and availability of flights etc. My email address is 

Have you checked out our church website yet? There are sermons from various people including Canon Susanne Carlsson, Daryl Booth from Sarx, Denise Blaskett, Rev Keith McNicol, Canon David Springthorpe, Canon Christopher Smith, Rev Tony Crowe, Chris Lovelock, Dr Martin Garsed and myself. Many more besides! I have updated quite a few from recent months so do check out the website. OUR CHILDREN'S GROUPS HAVE BEEN GOING FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH IN RECENT WEEKS....Do contact Elena or Victoria for more information


Children and Family Minister

However,  if you wish to contact our Junior Choir leader direct, Victoria Hall, her email address is  

The UNITY UPDATE for the Whitstable Team is as follows for March

We now have the dates for Sacred Space for 2019

This takes place on the third Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm to 4pm at All Saints Church hall. This is great fun - a chance to singalong to a mixture of all sorts of songs in a relaxed setting in the hall with tea, coffee and cake.


A group that meets every Monday in the Church hall from 2pm to 3.30pm, apart from Bank Holidays. Cameo stands for Come And Meet Each Other. It is a friendly group where you can come and chat and make new friends.


The Film club meets on Thursdays from 11.15am to about 1.30pm nearly every week. It runs a mixture of films. Membership is £10 till the end of 2019 but we also ask for a contribution of £1 per person per week towards refreshments and heating costs.

The programme for the film club can be found by clicking HERE Send me an email for any of these groups and I will forward it to the group organiser.
Alternatively please feel welcome to call me on 01227 272308


Just thought I would pop on a quick reminder of our Whitstable Debt Centre upcoming activities to which you are invited!

Thursday 28th February at 2.30pm an open time for catch up and looking how you could be more involved with the work we do here in Whitstable.

Tuesday 5th March at 12.30pm till 2pm is our 'Flipping Marvelous Pancake Party' Do come along if you can and bring a friend to enjoy a pancake and see a little of what CAP are doing nationwide. (This is a fund raising event)
Monday's 11th. 18th and 25th March is the Money Course from 7pm till 8.30pm. Please those of you who can, do advertise this course, it is such an enlightening course both for those who have plenty of money and those who are on a fairly tight budget.

You would be very welcome to join us at The Harbour Church for any or all of these events, look forward to seeing you!
 Joyce Mitchell
Centre Manager - Whitstable
Christians Against Poverty

Invitation to all  Members and Volunteers

COFFEE MORNING with GUEST SPEAKER Monday, March 4th - 10 am at the Parrish Social Centre, Northwood Road

Guest Speaker: Neha Bhatia, Clinical Pharmacist Whitstable Medical Practice

Neha will be talking about her role as Clinical Pharmacist at the Practice and about the use of antibiotics, repeat prescriptions and ways to help prevent medicine waste. It promises to be a really interesting and important session and there will be the opportunity to discuss the various issues with Neha and ask questions.

The meeting is being held 10am–12 midday at the Parish Social Centre in Northwood Road. All members and volunteers are invited to attend – guests are also welcomed. Coffee and biscuits will be available from 10am. 
To give an idea of how many people to expect at the meeting, it would be helpful if you could please let us know if you would like to come.  Friends answer-phone: 01227 594636

Welcome Me as I am – a Community Interest Company promoting Mental Health and Dementia awareness in Churches and Faith Communities
          Suicide Awareness Workshops for Churches and Faith Communities
Welcome Me as I Am is pleased to announce a series of workshops in East Kent aimed at promoting suicide awareness and prevention in Churches and Faith Communities in East Kent. All are welcome and the workshops will be of particular interest for those with pastoral responsibilities. In each workshop we will discuss:
·        The demography of suicide – age groups, occupational factors, gender,etc
·        Risk factors in suicidal behaviour
·        Working with someone with suicidal feelings
·        Faith related issues in suicidal behaviour and providing pastoral support
·        Safeguarding and signposting for further help

Facilitator: Ben Bano,  Director, Welcome Me as I Am CIC.

Details and venues:  Each session will last between 1330hrs and 1600hrs at the following venues:

Thursday 28th February 2019:  Glo Centre, Westwood Business Park, Strasbourg Street, Margate CT9 4JJ
Friday 15th March 2019: Canterbury Baptist Church,  St Georges Place, Canterbury, CT1  1UT
Friday 29th March 2019: Golf Road Centre, 28 Golf Road, Deal CT14 6PY

To book your free place(s) email with your details and a contact number. For further information ring 07887 651117

These workshops are funded by the Kent County Council Saving Lives Fund

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Location of Church - Click on picture!

All Saints Whitstable

All Saints Whitstable is a Church of England church in the Church Street area of Whitstable, between the railway station and the Thanet Way.
It has been in existence since at least the 12th century.
It is one of six churches that make up the Whitstable Team Ministry.
Church service times are 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10am Sung Communion on Sundays, with a Sunday Club for children.
A Family Communion takes place at 10am on the Second Sunday of each month where the children stay in church.
For more information on other services and general information please visit our main website which is or email the Vicar Rev Simon Tillotson at

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev


If you do not receive a monthly reminder about this e-letter yet why not email the Vicar at and he will add your email address to the database. Then you will receive an email once a month, with the occasional one mid month, to keep you informed of things going on in the life of the church and the wider community.

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

Location of church

Location of church
Click on map for further details