I do apologise for the delay in sending out the March newsletter.
This is a concerning time for of us with the recent news about the Coronavirus arriving in the UK.
On Sunday 8th March we have our usual Compline which takes place on the Second Sunday of each month. As we are in the winter months, it will take place at 5pm.
We will be having a special time of prayer for our country and for the world especially praying for an end to the Coronavirus outbreak and for a vaccine to be found, and praying for those suffering from the virus, so if you are concerned about the situation may I invite you to come along to this 30 minute service.
I have also issued information to all of our churchgoers about how Holy Communion services should take place at the moment and this is available on the Prayer Pointers at Sunday's services.
Please also note that the Barn Dance due to take place towards the end of March to raise money for the German Exchange has been postponed for the time being.
My prayers for all who are anxious. May you know God's peace.
This world is a world of beauty but there are certainly problems in our world too, and the Christian faith is in many respects more in touch with our world of suffering and pain than the sanitised outlook of our secular, materialistic culture today.
I am though praying for all who are worried. Please be assured that I am available should you wish to chat with someone or need help, as are our pastoral assistants. Please call our church office on 01227 275947 (answerphone when office is not open) if you are in special need of help or email me at tillotsons@gmail.com. The church is here to care.
For various reasons the Xtra this month is going to be shorter than usual - please though do check our website for details of our usual groups - www.allsaintswhitstable.com
This Sunday 8th March we have our Family Communion service at 10am at All Saints Whitstable.
I am pleased to say that the mid week children and parent's group Holyballoo will be helping with the service. They have done a wonderful display of artwork and are going to help lead the prayers at this service.
The Family Communion service takes place at 10am on Sunday 8th March - I do hope to see you there!
This will take place on Sunday 15th March at 11.30am at All Saints church hall after our morning worship.
We have a number of vacancies for the Church Council and if you are on the church membership roll (known as the church electoral roll) please will you consider standing for election?
I would appreciate your attendance at this meeting. Thank you.
You can read our report of the year 2019 in preparation for this meeting by clicking ON THIS LINK
I am so grateful to all of you for taking part in the attendance survey. We are now half way through the eight week survey.
I thought you might like a few facts that have come from it:
the first four weeks a total of 196 individual adults and children have attended.
48 of these adults and children started
attending All Saints in the last five years, 35 adults and children started attending between 6-10 years ago
and 113 adults and children have attended for more than 10 years
123 of those who have attended are female and 73 are male.
I will let you know more statistics for the April Xtra.
There is a Christian Aid quiz
has a lot of information about what is happening this month especially with some important events
Please note that the Barn Dance on Unity Update under All Saints is now cancelled.
NB Do click on any of the advertisements of groups below to see in larger text, especially if you are viewing this by mobile phone.
A quiz organised by the Guides to raise money for one of the Guides who is raising money for a special trip to China
All the very best and hope to see you at one of our services this month (or more if you feel able to attend)
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