Here we are in very wet windy weather after what has been a very pleasant summer. I do hope you are coping ok with the transition. I also hope you have not got one of the terrible viruses that are going around at the moment. Many people seem to have picked it up and I must confess I have not been 100% the last few weeks either. Nonetheless there is much to look forward to in November. Even though some of the events are sad events they are still important.
The first major event in November is our Fireworks event
Here are the details:
All Saints
In All
Saints Vicarage Garden
Gates open
at 6.15pm
available from 13th October
church on Sunday in the hall at about 11.20am and in the church office mornings
during the week every day from 10.30am
to 12 noon
£6 adult £2
child 3 years and under free of charge
No sparklers
please to be brought with you
Sorry - No
tickets can be reserved by Facebook, text, phone or email.
This is going to take place on Sunday 3rd November and we will have a special guest preacher, the former Bishop of Dover Bishop Richard Llwellin as our guest preacher at our 10am service. I would be really grateful if you can be in attendance if you possibly can as our patronal festival is always a very important event.
Please note that incense will be used at the 10am service on this occasion.
It will be followed by a Bring and Share lunch to which all are invited. Please bring some food to share with those present.
The Annual Service of Remembrance for the Dearly Departed will take place on the same day as our Patronal Festival celebrations but in the afternoon. The service will start at 4pm. We will read out the names of those loved ones who we mourn and there will be an opportunity to light a candle in memory of them. Please let me know if you are intending to come, how many will be in your group attending, and the names of the people you would like to be read out at the service. Please email me at
The service will be followed by refreshments in the church hall.
PEACE DAY - Saturday 9th November 10am to 4pm
I hope you can read the text about the Peace Day. It promises to be a really important day. We will be thinking about reconciliation in our own country and praying for peace between people of different political viewpoints as well as praying for other nations in the world where political conflict has spilled out and become violent conflict. We will be praying that we as a nation may have the maturity to disagree with each other with dignity and maturity - qualities that have been sadly lacking on occasions.
You obviously only need to attend the Peace Day for the length of time that is right for you. Some spend several hours in the church. Others choose just to come in and spend five minutes in the church.
All are warmly invited to this extremely well attended service. Please get here early to be sure of a seat. It is one of the most important services in the entire year. Details are below.
That Sunday there will also be Compline at 8pm as well of course as our usual 8am Holy Communion service (Book of Common Prayer).
The Open Afternoon is a unique opportunity for All Sants and the groups that use our hall to showcase their activities.
I strongly recommend this event.
We have heard from the following groups so far - in no particular order
These include (this is not an exhaustive list)
Church Groups or Church Affiliated
Music Group
Cameo (Come And Meet Each Other) weekly drop in on Monday afternoon
Singing for Fun and Health
Film Club
Mother's Union
Prayer Shawl Group
We have had so far that the following non church groups who nonetheless use our hall either for quizzes and fundraising events or as regular hirers wish to have tables at this event, again in no particular order.
These include (this is not an exhaustive list)
Whitstable and Herne Bay Lions
Pilates group
Kent Additional Teaching group for school work
Women's Institute
Beading Worskhop
The Oyster Singers
I am sure more groups will come on board in the coming weeks. If I have forgotten to list your group here and you have already told me that I am coming please bear in mind I am still finalising arrangements but I am sure your group is already booked in and I apologise for not mentioning it now.
Sorry but only organisations which use our hall or church are invited to have a table as I have already had to turn away a number of groups from the community who do not use our hall. We have to set this criteria or otherwise the whole ethos of it being an "Open Day" showcasing the things that go on at All Saints would be undermined. I do hope you understand.
Later in the month we have our Christmas Fair. Here are the details:
We will be delivering a flyer advertising our Christmas service and the Christmas fair and if you can help please let me know by emailing me at Thank you so much.
Elena Markova has been working very hard at developing Holyballoo.
Holyballoo continues to run each Thursday in term time but there are now themed events for different weeks in the month. Here are two examples:
Elena is also starting a new youth club in January - details are here:
Please do contact Elena if you wish to find out about any of these clubs on 07719 983363 or
Christmas Services at All Saints
Church Street
Whitstable CT5 1PG
Sunday 1st December
6.30pm Advent Carol service (NB not Christmas carols but very
spiritual nonetheless)
Saturday 14th
December 4pm Christingle Service (back to its afternoon time following feedback
last year)
Sunday 15th
December 6.30pm Traditional Carol Servicee of Nine Lessons and Carols
Wednesday 18th
December 7pm Carol Singing under the Yew Tree with Whitstable Brass (or in the
church if weather is poor)
Christmas Eve
Crib Services 3pm and 4.30pm
11.15pm Midnight Communion
Christmas Day
8am and 10am Holy Communion
A Merry Christmas
to you when it arrives!
Here is our Team November Unity Update
I haven't even begun to tell you about our normal midweek groups but come to our Open Afternoon to find out about them or visit past copies of this Xtra newsletter!
I do wish you all the very best for November and my prayers for less windy and wet weather and less illness going around too!
And prayers for our nation at this time of great political uncertainty. Come to the Peace Day if you would like to pray for our country at this time.
Every good wish
Rev Simon Tillotson
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