The monthly e-newsletter from the Team Vicar of All Saints Whitstable, Rev Simon Tillotson
Visit our website for more info -

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

February Xtra monthy newsletter

Dear all

Welcome to our February Xtra newsletter!

As I write, February is soon to arrive and in due course after this I hope we will signs of the beginning of Spring. After a wet and gloomy January I am sure we are all looking forward to the weather improving, though February of course can sometimes be a lot colder than January, so patience is I am sure still required!

Here are some of the events happening this month!

An important post in the life of our church is currently being advertised.


An exciting new post for our church to help our outreach to our community.
Can you help strengthen our Sunday Club and other groups that meet midweek and help ensure All Saints is able to reach out more effectively to the younger age groups within our community. If so please consider applying for this post!

18 hours a week, £22,500 Per year Pro Rata -  Applications close 8th March 2018.
For full terms and for downloads of job description, job application form and further information please click HERE 


The Whitstable Team Confirmation service this year will take place on Saturday 12th May at 6pm at Seasalter Christian Centre. It is time therefore to ask the question – is there anyone who would like to be confirmed this year?

There is also an option to “Renew your Baptism Promises” at the Confirmation service if you have already been Confirmed but it was some time ago and you would like to renew your commitment to God. 

Being confirmed means that you agree to take upon yourself the promises of baptism that were made for you when you were a child, or recommitting to God in a new way if you said your baptism promises yourself as an older child or adult.

In order to take on these promises for yourself, and thereby make a public profession of your Christian faith, it is important that all Confirmation candidates attend a number of meetings which I will be taking in February and March, and also to some extent in April.

In order to work out when these meetings can be I need to hear from candidates as soon as possible. If your child is interested, they should be in Year 6 or above this academic year. We will sort out meetings to suit you. Historically these have normally taken place after school has finished on a weekday, though I can also do weekends if weekdays are impossible.

For adults, I already have two confirmation candidates who will be meeting me on some Monday afternoons when I am available at 12.30pm to 1.30pm. If you would like to join that group that would be great.   

If you would prefer an evening group please also let me know. You could attend our Lent course as part of your preparation which is on Tuesday evenings as well as a number of other options to help you prepare for Confirmation.

Receiving bread and wine, the body and blood of Jesus, is one of the greatest privileges and it is important those who are confirmed are prepared sufficiently so that they can fully understand what this sacrament means. Give me a call on 01227 272308 or email me at

A number of groups run within the life of the church


This takes place on the third Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm to 4pm at All Saints Church hall. This is great fun - a chance to singalong to a mixture of all sorts of songs in a relaxed setting in the hall with tea, coffee and cake.


A group that meets every Monday in the Church hall from 2pm to 3.30pm, apart from Bank Holidays. Cameo stands for Come And Meet Each Other. It is a friendly group where you can come and chat and make new friends.


The Film club meets on Thursdays from 11.15am to about 1.30pm nearly every week. It runs a mixture of films. Membership is £10 till the end of 2018 but we also ask for a contribution of £1 per person per week towards refreshments and heating costs.
The programme for the film club can be found by clicking HERE Send me an email for any of these groups and I will forward it to the group organiser.
Alternatively please feel welcome to call me on 01227 272308

Please consider coming to a mid week Communion service where we pray for people and are strengthened for our spiritual journey.
Thursdays at 10am every week at All Saints Church.


Holyballoo is the name of our after school club for parents/guardians and children of any age. It takes place in the church hall. We have recently purchased some new games for the children and we have some exciting craft. There is usually a short Christian video and short message as part of the afternoon. The parents and guardians enjoy catching up with each other over a cup of tea or coffee.
Sorry - no unaccompanied children.

There is no charge for Holyballoo. It takes place on Thursdays from 3.15pm to 4.15pm at All Saints church hall.
Just come along.


The dates for Sacred Space have now been organised. Please click on the poster to see if in large format on your computer screen.


Our Family Communion service is on Sunday 11th February at 10am service. I do hope to see you there!


From Rev Keith McNicol

A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

13 to 22 November 2018

With the Rev’d Keith McNicol

Keith is leading a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land again in November.  This will be a time of discovery, prayer and reflection, and if you have been to the Holy Land before, a time of consolidation.

We stay in a Jewish hotel at Tiberias on Lake Galilee for 4 nights, then drive through the West Bank to a Palestinian hotel just outside the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem for 5 nights, returning home during the evening of November 22.

Part one of our Pilgrimage will be to go to places Jesus went during his lakeside ministry including Galilee, Capernaum, Tabgha and Nazareth.

When in Jerusalem, we will explore Jerusalem Old City and see the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Mount of Olives, Bethany and other key places in Our Lord’s ministry.

The cost is £1915 which covers everything including travel, hotels and food.  You will however, need some pocket money for incidentals.

If you would like to know more, please contact Keith.  His email is:

HUGE THANKS to Phillip Williams for his 35 years as Groundsman and Gardener at All saints Whitstable. Phillip has served the church admirably over the years and we are very grateful to him and wish him a blessed retirement, though he will still act as our Churchyard sexton for burials. 
Please pray for the interviews to take place shortly for his replacement after a high number of quality applications have been received. 

ALL SAINTS ANNUAL DISTRICT GENERAL MEETING is on SUNDAY 18 MARCH at 11.30 am in the church hall and an Annual Report booklet for 2017 has to be prepared. Would the usual contributors please let me have their reports as soon as possible - maximum 300 words.




“What is true and what is false?

A four week look at the doctrine of Christ or “Christology” from two different perspectives.

27 February and 6 March

Introduction to the work of N T Wright

13 and 20 March

Barbara Thiering

Wright and Thiering come at Christology from completely different points of view. Understanding both helps us in our own academic process.

Sessions held at the Vicarage. 7.30pm to 9.15pm. Please let Simon know if you are planning to attend by emailing him at



SHROVE TUESDAY (13 February)
7.00 pm Short ceremony for burning of Palm Crosses

ASH WEDNESDAY (14 February) 
8.00 pm Solemn Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes 8pm
(10 am alternative at St Peter's for those who do not like coming out in the evening)


(With the laying on of hands for healing)


GOOD FRIDAY (30 March)

09.30 am Starting at St John the Baptist, Swalecliffe and finishing at St Alphege, Whitstable

Three hours at the cross (12 – 3pm)

8.00 pm Easter vigil and lighting of the Easter Candle (at St Peter‘s)

EASTER DAY (1 April)
06.15 am Easter Sunrise service Tankerton beach, (beneath Marine Hotel) Concludes in church and followed by coffee and hot cross buns in the hall


10.00 am SUNG EUCHARIST (and
                children’s Easter Egg Hunt)
The Quiz night on February 10th is now FULL - all tickets sold out 


BRENDA QUICKENDEN’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 7 February at 2.00 pm in All Saints’ church.    There will be 30 minutes said Holy Communion at 4 pm on Tuesday 6 February when her coffin is received into the church.  You are most welcome at either service.   

MIKE SCOTT’s funeral is on Monday 19 February at 12 noon at Barham crematorium.

Christmas Giving at All Saints
Well done to you all for your generosity over the Christmas period. Our Treasurer Malcolm has totalled it all and for your information we list below the Charities and amounts given.
CHRISTINGLE The Children's Society £145.51
CAROLS /W.BRASS Catching Lives (homeless charity working in Canterbury) £437.50
SINGING FOR FUN AND HEALTH Catching Lives £94.00
CRIB & MIDNIGHT SERVICES Save the Children £559.00


  A gathering to explore roads to inclusion of Lesbian,
Gay and Trans people in Church.
21st April 2018  St Stephen’s Canterbury CT2 7AB
       12.30   Lunch                             14.00 Stories and discussion
       16.00    Open Table Eucharist   16.30 Tea and farewells.
       All welcome:   no charge but contact                               to book for catering purposes.

Canterbury Cursillo AGM - Saturday 3rd February
This event is scheduled for the above date and will commence with a Eucharist Service in the Cathedral Crypt at 11.30am. Bishop Trevor will be presiding and preaching and we will  be privileged to witness the commissioning of Bill Washington as your new Lay Director. This will be followed by a bring and share lunch and the AGM and Ultreya in St Thomas' Hall, Canterbury Lane. Please note that food contributions can be dropped off at the hall from 10.30am onward if this is easier for you.

 Special prayers for Bill at this time who is a member of our congregation at All Saints and one of our Servers too.

The Whitstable Christian Aid AGM will be held at:

on Thursday 8 March at 4pm

You are warmly invited to attend.  If you find you cannot come, please find someone from your community who can.

Christian Aid dates for your diaries are:

Quiz Evening at Seasalter Christian Centre on Saturday 17 March 7 for 7.30pm.
  £5.00 per person. 8 rounds. Raffle prizes donated will be most welcome. Full details will be sent out shortly

Christian Aid Week begins on Sunday 13 May at St John's Methodist Church at 6pm.
A Christian Aid Family Dance evening on 7 July at Seasalter Christian Centre - more information coming.
A Christian Aid Barn Dance on 27 October at Seasalter Christian Centre.

3rd Whitstable (All Saints) Scout Group will be holding a Jumble Sale in All Saints Church Hall, Church Street, Whitstable , CT5 1PG on Saturday 24th February. Doors open at 2pm and the admission fee is 20p each. Jumble may be brought to the hall between 9am and 11am on the morning of the sale.

A Talking Newspaper for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Registered Charity 1030674

The WHITSTABLE ECHO is a talking newspaper with local news and information for the blind and visually impaired which is delivered each Saturday to its listeners.
We supply the simple equipment needed and new listeners are given help with its use. All aspects of the service are free of charge.
If you know of anyone who may be eligible, and who would like to receive the Whitstable Echo, please contact Brian Palmer on 01227 262685.
If you would like to know more about joining the team that produces the Whitstable Echo, please contact Sue Vargyas at:

17th February
9.30 - 12 noon
St. Nicholas-at-Wade Church
A perfect chance to find what
you’ve been looking for!
China, Glass, Books, Jewellery,
Antiques, Furniture, and more.
Tea & Coffee available
All proceeds towards the fabric of
St Nicholas at Wade Church
Please help us to preserve our
beautiful village Church

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Location of Church - Click on picture!

All Saints Whitstable

All Saints Whitstable is a Church of England church in the Church Street area of Whitstable, between the railway station and the Thanet Way.
It has been in existence since at least the 12th century.
It is one of six churches that make up the Whitstable Team Ministry.
Church service times are 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10am Sung Communion on Sundays, with a Sunday Club for children.
A Family Communion takes place at 10am on the Second Sunday of each month where the children stay in church.
For more information on other services and general information please visit our main website which is or email the Vicar Rev Simon Tillotson at

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev


If you do not receive a monthly reminder about this e-letter yet why not email the Vicar at and he will add your email address to the database. Then you will receive an email once a month, with the occasional one mid month, to keep you informed of things going on in the life of the church and the wider community.

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

Location of church

Location of church
Click on map for further details