PHOTO ABOVE- Some of our wedding couples that are marrying at All Saints Whitstable this year attending a wedding preparation admin afternoon at the church in January. We pray for them and all couples preparing to marry at All Saints this year and look forward to getting to know them.
February is soon to be upon us and there are one or two signs that the really cold weather of January is behind us, though of course it may return.
I do hope your 2017 is turning out well so far. There is certainly a lot in our world to pray about these days!
The first thing I would like to bring to your attention is this special social event at All Saints Whitstable's Church Hall
To be held on the 18th of February
in Church Hall.
Tables of eight, £8 per person.
Please bring your own drink and
Please speak to John 01227 262581 or
any member of the Social
To be held on the 18th of February
in Church Hall.
Tables of eight, £8 per person.
Please bring your own drink and
Please speak to John 01227 262581 or
any member of the Social
We really hope you will consider coming to this special social event in the life of the church!
HolyBalloo continues in February. From 3.15pm to 4.15pm on Thursday afternoons in the Church hall.
Children must be accompanied and supervised by their parents or guardians at all time.
CRAFT - REFRESHMENTS - CHAT - CHRISTIAN TEACHING AND SONGS - contact the Vicar at for more information. Free of charge though donations welcome to cover costs.
Numbers are still very low but those who attend find it really worthwhile and fun. If you would like to introduce more Christian teaching to your child's education in a more relaxed and fun setting and make new friends then this is for you!
Looking back earlier in the month we have the Cursillo Annual service and AGM at Canterbury Cathedral on Saturday 4th February with the service at the Cathedral at 11.30am and then a Bring and Share lunch at St Thomas Hall afterwards followed by the AGM and an Ultreya. It would be good to see those of you who have been on a Cursillo weekend at this event.
The next Canterbury Cursillo weekend will be from Thursday 11th May 2017 at about 5pm to Sunday 14th May at about 4pm. Full details can be found here Please talk to me or anyone else in the church who has been on a Cursillo weekend if you are considering attending this one.
Another important event in February is our
FAMILY COMMUNION Service on Sunday 12th February at 10am. It would be great to see you there.
After the Family Service on 12th February a special event will be happening in the church hall
The 'Miracles of Christ' woodcarvings
A series of relief wood carvings depicting some of the miracles of Christ will be on display in All Saints Church Hall over coffee after the 10am church service on Sunday 12th February.
The reliefs which have taken 18 months to complete have been hand carved in oak by St. Alphege Seasalter Woodcarving Group using a contemporary approach, with geometric form and with an interesting change to perspective that gives them a unique style.
Aubrey Holland a member of All Saints is also a member of the carving group.
Their 'home' is at Seasalter Christian Centre but the intention is to display them in other churches/venues around Whitstable and beyond for folk to enjoy and hopefully bring further thought and consideration to the miracles that Christ performed out of His love for us and the gospel when He came to our world.
We do hope many will drop over to the Church Hall on the 12th to see them.
St. Alphege Seasalter Woodcarving Group.
Helen Link. (Contact number 07769563379)
A series of relief wood carvings depicting some of the miracles of Christ will be on display in All Saints Church Hall over coffee after the 10am church service on Sunday 12th February.
The reliefs which have taken 18 months to complete have been hand carved in oak by St. Alphege Seasalter Woodcarving Group using a contemporary approach, with geometric form and with an interesting change to perspective that gives them a unique style.
Aubrey Holland a member of All Saints is also a member of the carving group.
Their 'home' is at Seasalter Christian Centre but the intention is to display them in other churches/venues around Whitstable and beyond for folk to enjoy and hopefully bring further thought and consideration to the miracles that Christ performed out of His love for us and the gospel when He came to our world.
We do hope many will drop over to the Church Hall on the 12th to see them.
St. Alphege Seasalter Woodcarving Group.
Helen Link. (Contact number 07769563379)
Please do not forget that Sunday Club operates on the other weeks of the month for children. Please contact Simon if you would like to find out more about this - or 01227 272308.
Another event this month is our regular Sacred Space - please click on the picture to find out more...
The Vicar's Blog - Climbing the mountain again
The living room at the Vicarage is now full for this course but you can follow it online here
Please note that the car park in front of the Church and Church Hall will be resurfaced in February (not including the Shirley Hall car park). The actual work will take place from Monday 20th to Friday 25th February but to prevent owners leaving their cars in the car park before the work begins, the car park will be shut the previous Wednesday late afternoon after Singing For Fun and Health.
If there is one car parked in the car park then the "sea of tar" cannot settle so it is vital please nobody removes the barrier and parks in the car park on the Thursday morning 16th February or Sunday 19th February or it may encourage other car owners in the area to do the same.
PLEASE NOTE - that the appeal to repair and resurface our paths and the Shirley Hall car park is still ongoing. We are carrying out the work on the church car park now as this has become a necessity.
SINGING FOR FUN AND HEALTH, CAMEO and THE FILM CLUB - continues as normal in February. Please see church website for full details.
Vivid and beautifully written memories from a bygone era - All Saints Whitstable in the 1960's when churchgoing was strong and Sunday was very different in our culture than it is today. I thought historians would be interested to read this memory which is shared with the author's permission
Carol Baker was a member of our All Saints choir in the 1960’s
I thought her piece was an excellent way of remembering a bygone time – if only we had this sort of choir today!
Thank you to Carol for letting us have this remembrance and for allowing me to post it on Facebook and our church website.
Here are some memories from the choir during Canon Waynforth's and Revd Owen Sunmans time.
Firstly just to describe the size of the choir at that time which consisted of boys, girls and adults. Mr. Sunman obviously had great forethought visiting the local schools and recruiting boys and girls at that time as most of the Cathedrals are doing it now.
There was a Rota and one month the boys choir (Byrd) would sing at Holy Communion and Mattins and the girls choir (Gibbons) would sing at evensong.
The next month they would change round. There was also a training choir Tallis which was mixed and as soon as they were trained and there was a vacancy in the other choirs they would be slotted in and get their surplice if they were boys and I think it was the collar and Jabot if they were girls.
We practiced twice a week just the children and in the latter part of the 2nd practice we would be joined by the adults but we would leave after a while and leave them to practice on their own.
It was a lovely time, we all became really good friends and the adults were always kind, even though they knew we had nicknames for them but they were affectionate ones. The congregation were always interested in us as well. We all used to love Evensong in the summer when the sunset would shine through the stained glass window above the altar and the whole Church would glow and the dust would float in the sun rays.
There were always lovely teas in the Vicarage and we would have different coloured ribbons as we worked through the Royal School of Music training scheme, we would be presented with each ribbon in Church but Canon Waynforth would always give us sweets or chocolate after at his garden party and everyone would clap.
We sang at the weddings and funerals and we used to get paid for weddings and services we always used to really look forward to getting our envelopes each month but I really can't remember how much we got it was a very long time ago, but I know we used to feel very rich, especially in the Summer with all the weddings, it was such a beautiful Church loads of brides wanted their wedding there which was great for us. I always remember one funeral, it was the first one I had ever attended and I was a bit nervous about it, the coffin was placed in the choir between cantoris and decani and I couldn't take.
My eyes off it I was sure the coffin lid was moving but just my imagination. It sticks in my mind especially because it was a lady and I knew her, she was a very important person in the Church for reasons that I really can't remember but it was announced that she had asked for a special piece of music to be played during the service, it was 'The Lark Ascending' and it was my first introduction to classical orchestral music and I thought it was really beautiful and have loved it ever since, that was where the start of my love of classical music started, I can't remember her name but I have always thanked her for that introduction.
The occasions I used to like best were Mr Sunmans Christmas parties, the food was amazing and he just used to wear ordinary clothes and he looked so different. He also used to know brilliant games which none of us had played before with prizes all with a musical theme. I remember one game was having to sit really quietly and stand up when you thought a minute was up, as Children this was a really hard game to win because you really didn't have the patience to sit still for a whole minute and most of us got up too soon cos it seemed like an eternity. He was a lovely man and he and his wife used to hide all sorts of little trinkets around his lounge and hall and never minded all these little hands touching all his African ornaments and China, moving his clocks and going through the pockets of the coats in the hall, it never worried them a bit. We always had a party it was his way of thanking us for all our work during the year and we were so busy at Christmas, so many services and solos for many of us, I have to say they were the best parties I ever went too.
I also remember going to a special week at a boarding school with one of the other girls, with Choristers from all over the country it was a fabulous week we worked hard and sang all the time but it was such fun. The only dampener was the girl I went with was rushed to hospital on the 2nd day and had her appendix removed so it was just me from our choir she didn't come back but every one was really friendly. But I was relieved when I got home and found she was well and no harm done.
We used to go to a hall in town and sing for the Remembrance Day service up on the stage, we always felt very proud at that service and used to enjoy finding all the poppies that fell amongst our robes.
We also used to process down to the beach to take part in the blessing of the water, we would always wonder if that would be the year that Canon Waynforth would get his feet wet, he seemed to us very old but he was pretty nimble missing the waves while he gave them his blessing and never once while I was in the choir did he get wet feet!
So many memories I loved my time in the Choir. However I was not an angel and did get into scrapes with some of the others from time to time,
but it was mainly that I was a giggler and had many a stern look from Mr Sunman, which was powerful enough to stop the giggling instantly!
Please note that the car park in front of the Church and Church Hall will be resurfaced in February (not including the Shirley Hall car park). The actual work will take place from Monday 20th to Friday 25th February but to prevent owners leaving their cars in the car park before the work begins, the car park will be shut the previous Wednesday late afternoon after Singing For Fun and Health.
If there is one car parked in the car park then the "sea of tar" cannot settle so it is vital please nobody removes the barrier and parks in the car park on the Thursday morning 16th February or Sunday 19th February or it may encourage other car owners in the area to do the same.
PLEASE NOTE - that the appeal to repair and resurface our paths and the Shirley Hall car park is still ongoing. We are carrying out the work on the church car park now as this has become a necessity.
SINGING FOR FUN AND HEALTH, CAMEO and THE FILM CLUB - continues as normal in February. Please see church website for full details.
Whitstable Calais Solidarity
A group of volunteers from Whitstable have
over recent years been supporting refugees at Calais. In view of recent changes
in Calais, there attention has now turned to supporting a wider group of
refugees in the north of France and beyond.
This particular group have given up a lot
of their time sacrificially to help women and children as well as men who are
in dire straits and have sent All Saints Whitstable this information for the February mailing.:
“We are a charitable, humanitarian
community initiative. We aim to work in partnership with other like minded
organisations to deliver direct humanitarian aid and volunteer support
throughout Europe & in the UK where asylum seekers, migrants and refugee needs
are not met. We also advocate for a humanitarian solution to the global human
displacement crisis. We request all members to voluntarily contribute £1 per
mnth / £12 per yr to support our cause : S/O' s made to
whitstablecalaissolidarity community bank: acc : 83141014 SC: 60 23 38 S/O form
available under docs or on request @ We also have a sub volunteer group for donations co ordination and operations We want to focus this collection as blankets, sleeping bags and SNUG packs as detailed below. We also have a sub volunteer group for donations co ordination and operations We want to focus this collection as blankets, sleeping bags and SNUG packs as detailed below.
This is what we are trying to collect - blankets and
sleeping bags and Snug packs!
S socks
N neck warmer (scarf)
U underwear ( new please )
G gloves
In a zip lock bag which is also useful for keeping papers dry!
Labelled S M L please
S socks
N neck warmer (scarf)
U underwear ( new please )
G gloves
In a zip lock bag which is also useful for keeping papers dry!
Labelled S M L please
Donations can be dropped at Mosaic, 30
Harbour street”
Simon writes "It would be great if we could help support this group so please do consider getting involved - thank you!"
Simon writes "It would be great if we could help support this group so please do consider getting involved - thank you!"
Whitstable (All Saints) Scout Group will be holding their first Jumble Sale of
2017 in All Saints Church Hall, Church
Street, Whitstable , CT5 1PG on Saturday 25th February.
Doors open at 2pm and the admission fee is 20p each. Jumble may be brought to
the hall between 9am and 11am on the morning of the sale.
CHRISTIAN HEALING DAY - click on poster to expand it
The Mothers' Union Away From It All Holiday
is an all-expenses-paid holiday for families, with children, up to and
including the age of 11, who are in need of a break. The Mothers’ Union
organise this holiday for families who would otherwise not be able to
have one, so they may enjoy the fun and refreshment of a holiday. There
is no cost to the families but we need to
point out that the parents remain responsible for their children at all times.
the aim is to give families who are in need of a break the opportunity
for this, it is also vital that the family is willing to abide by the
terms and conditions of the holiday and that
this holiday is both appropriate for them, and that they are able to
cope with the basic agreements for the smooth running of the holiday.
This year we have booked Pilgrim Hall in Uckfield in East Sussex and the holiday will take place from Saturday August 5th to Saturday August 12th 2017.
MU volunteer helpers will be there to make sure the holiday runs smoothly.
The holiday is open to any appropriate family that you may have contact with.
will need to get in touch with Mrs. Rosemary McArragher (contact
details above) for further details and the relevant application forms.
Once completed these will need to be sent back to
me, the holiday coordinator, by April 7th 2017.
Mrs Rosemary McArragher
Kent TN12 9ED
01622 831007
Holiday Coordinator
The Harbour Church Bookshop, Harbour Street
we use this email to appeal for you to very kindly spread the word that we are
looking for volunteers to help us manage this aspect of a bookshop ministry in
the town. The bookshop, with its large selection of Bibles and cards
is open from 10am – 2pm on Thursdays & Saturdays. No technical or computer
knowledge is required.
The Harbour Church is the new name for Harbour Street Christian Fellowship and the Harbour Church Bookshop is situated there. Please contact Robin and Nyema at if you can volunteer for them. Thank you
HAVEN - Click on text below to enlarge it
The Diocese of Canterbury
Local Church Development
Diocesan House, Lady Wootton's Green, Canterbury CT1 1NQ Tel: 01227 459401 |
Lay Training Opportunities 2017
Healing and Wholeness Course
Fellow Pilgrims Course
Other Courses in 2017
Top-Up Training Programme 2017
Dear colleagues,
are pleased to share with you our programme of training opportunities
offered to lay people but open to anybody. We would
be grateful if you could share these with your congregation and forward
this email to those who might be interested - or book on yourself!
Healing and Wholeness Course – now open for applications
are currently taking applications for a Healing and Wholeness course
which is running from April to October 2017 on Tuesday nights in
Canterbury. The
deadline for applications is 1 March 2017. Please find more information
including dates, venue, content and how to apply
Fellow Pilgrims Course (Ministry with Children and Youth) – now open for applications
are currently taking applications for a Fellow Pilgrims course which is
running from May to July 2017 on Tuesday nights in Kennington, nr.
Ashford. The
deadline for applications is 1 April 2017. Please find more information
including dates, venue and how to apply
Worship Leader / Pastoral Assistant / Funeral and Bereavement courses
in 2017
are registering interest for courses in 2017 subject to the waiting
list reaching viable numbers. If someone at your church might be
interested in completing for this training please get
in touch with Sarah Lucas
and their name will be added to a waiting list.
Top-Up Training Programme for 2017
We are pleased to launch a new schedule of
top up training
which has been a successful programme of events for the past two years.
These are one-off sessions
in a variety of venues on a variety of topics. Please find details
below, there is more information on each topic on the booking link:
Being an Eco-Church
21st February 2017: 7.00-9.00pm, St Paul’s Church, Canterbury, book
Baptismal Visiting
26th April 2017: 7.00-9.00pm, Seasalter Christian Centre, book
Facing our prejudice: Children and Young People
9th May 2017: 7.00-9.00pm, St Mary’s Church Hall, Kennington, book
Church in a Café Style
17th June 2017: 10.00am-3.00pm, Little Chart Church, book
How to help your Church to become Autism Friendly
July 2017: 7.00-9.00pm, West Faversham Community Centre, book
Resources for Worship Leading
14th September 2017: 7.00-9.00pm, Godmersham and Crundale Village Hall, book
Leading intercessions
19th October 2017: 7.00-9.00pm, Diocesan House, Canterbury, book
Sharing our Faith through Evangelism
15th November 2017: 7.00-9.00pm, St Mary’s Church, Ashford, book
encourage others who might be interested to book a place on courses
which might be relevant to them – all are welcome including clergy,
curates, Readers, ALMs or members of church congregations.
With my best wishes for 2017,
Sent to all parish clergy, Readers, Church Wardens and PCC Secretaries.
Vivid and beautifully written memories from a bygone era - All Saints Whitstable in the 1960's when churchgoing was strong and Sunday was very different in our culture than it is today. I thought historians would be interested to read this memory which is shared with the author's permission
Carol Baker was a member of our All Saints choir in the 1960’s
I thought her piece was an excellent way of remembering a bygone time – if only we had this sort of choir today!
Thank you to Carol for letting us have this remembrance and for allowing me to post it on Facebook and our church website.
Here are some memories from the choir during Canon Waynforth's and Revd Owen Sunmans time.
Firstly just to describe the size of the choir at that time which consisted of boys, girls and adults. Mr. Sunman obviously had great forethought visiting the local schools and recruiting boys and girls at that time as most of the Cathedrals are doing it now.
There was a Rota and one month the boys choir (Byrd) would sing at Holy Communion and Mattins and the girls choir (Gibbons) would sing at evensong.
The next month they would change round. There was also a training choir Tallis which was mixed and as soon as they were trained and there was a vacancy in the other choirs they would be slotted in and get their surplice if they were boys and I think it was the collar and Jabot if they were girls.
We practiced twice a week just the children and in the latter part of the 2nd practice we would be joined by the adults but we would leave after a while and leave them to practice on their own.
It was a lovely time, we all became really good friends and the adults were always kind, even though they knew we had nicknames for them but they were affectionate ones. The congregation were always interested in us as well. We all used to love Evensong in the summer when the sunset would shine through the stained glass window above the altar and the whole Church would glow and the dust would float in the sun rays.
There were always lovely teas in the Vicarage and we would have different coloured ribbons as we worked through the Royal School of Music training scheme, we would be presented with each ribbon in Church but Canon Waynforth would always give us sweets or chocolate after at his garden party and everyone would clap.
We sang at the weddings and funerals and we used to get paid for weddings and services we always used to really look forward to getting our envelopes each month but I really can't remember how much we got it was a very long time ago, but I know we used to feel very rich, especially in the Summer with all the weddings, it was such a beautiful Church loads of brides wanted their wedding there which was great for us. I always remember one funeral, it was the first one I had ever attended and I was a bit nervous about it, the coffin was placed in the choir between cantoris and decani and I couldn't take.
My eyes off it I was sure the coffin lid was moving but just my imagination. It sticks in my mind especially because it was a lady and I knew her, she was a very important person in the Church for reasons that I really can't remember but it was announced that she had asked for a special piece of music to be played during the service, it was 'The Lark Ascending' and it was my first introduction to classical orchestral music and I thought it was really beautiful and have loved it ever since, that was where the start of my love of classical music started, I can't remember her name but I have always thanked her for that introduction.
The occasions I used to like best were Mr Sunmans Christmas parties, the food was amazing and he just used to wear ordinary clothes and he looked so different. He also used to know brilliant games which none of us had played before with prizes all with a musical theme. I remember one game was having to sit really quietly and stand up when you thought a minute was up, as Children this was a really hard game to win because you really didn't have the patience to sit still for a whole minute and most of us got up too soon cos it seemed like an eternity. He was a lovely man and he and his wife used to hide all sorts of little trinkets around his lounge and hall and never minded all these little hands touching all his African ornaments and China, moving his clocks and going through the pockets of the coats in the hall, it never worried them a bit. We always had a party it was his way of thanking us for all our work during the year and we were so busy at Christmas, so many services and solos for many of us, I have to say they were the best parties I ever went too.
I also remember going to a special week at a boarding school with one of the other girls, with Choristers from all over the country it was a fabulous week we worked hard and sang all the time but it was such fun. The only dampener was the girl I went with was rushed to hospital on the 2nd day and had her appendix removed so it was just me from our choir she didn't come back but every one was really friendly. But I was relieved when I got home and found she was well and no harm done.
We used to go to a hall in town and sing for the Remembrance Day service up on the stage, we always felt very proud at that service and used to enjoy finding all the poppies that fell amongst our robes.
We also used to process down to the beach to take part in the blessing of the water, we would always wonder if that would be the year that Canon Waynforth would get his feet wet, he seemed to us very old but he was pretty nimble missing the waves while he gave them his blessing and never once while I was in the choir did he get wet feet!
So many memories I loved my time in the Choir. However I was not an angel and did get into scrapes with some of the others from time to time,
but it was mainly that I was a giggler and had many a stern look from Mr Sunman, which was powerful enough to stop the giggling instantly!
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