The monthly e-newsletter from the Team Vicar of All Saints Whitstable, Rev Simon Tillotson
Visit our website for more info -

Sunday, 24 April 2016

July Xtra newsletter

Dear all

I prepared the text for this before going on holiday and am sending it to you on the day the country votes about our relationship in Europe. 

Whatever your views, I am sure we will all want to join in in praying for our country as the results of the vote filter through on Friday morning.

I will allow a short pause in our services on Sunday morning to pray for our nation at this momentous time.

May you know God's presence with you at this time. 

I do hope to see you on Saturday at our Fete - only two days away now! 

I am back at work on Friday evening so should be able to answer any emails you may have sent me then or Saturday morning.

Best wishes



An annual favourite! Now called a Fete rather than Garden Party.
At the Vicarage garden on Saturday 25th June from 2pm to 4pm
Admission 50p. Various stalls and sideshows. Strawberries and Cream, Cream Teas, Crafts, Coconut Shy, Bouncy Castle, Raffle, Tombola and much more. Please put the date firmly in your diary


On Sunday 3rd July we have no 10am service at All Saints, although the 8am service will still go ahead. 

 Instead we are invited to join Christians from the other churches in Whitstable for a joint act of worship at Westmeads Recreation Ground at 10.30am. Please bring a chair or blanket to sit on  if you are wishing to come to this event. The theme is in this poster below:


 The Pilgrim Course
This will run at the Vicarage, Church Street, Whitstable, during July and early August 2016 at the below times on Tuesday evening.

This is the third module of the Pilgrim course -looking at the Commandments. The Pilgrim course is a national initiative set up by the Church of England. 

Who should attend this course? Anyone. You can be a very mature Christian. It still does a lot of good going over the basics. You can be a searcher. It will still be very relevant. You can be a "young Christian", new to faith. It will be still very helpful. You can be considering confirmation. This is a perfect basis for preparing for that.

You do not need to have attended previous modules of the Pilgrim course to attend this one.

Just email me at or phone me on 01227 272308  if you would like to attend so I know how many will be at the Vicarage. There is no charge

Tuesday 5th July

Session One: Priorities 

With a Reflection by Andrew Watson

Looks at Jesus’ summary of the law as the foundation for the way a disciple is called to live.


Tuesday 12th July

Session Two: Reverence 

With a Reflection by Victoria Matthews

Explores the vital importance of reverence and worship for God and the danger of making idols of what we love.

Tuesday 19th July

Session Three: Rest 

With a Reflection by J John

This session further explores the theme of reverence in the third commandment and the linked theme of rest and the Sabbath in the rhythm of our lives.


Tuesday 26th July

Session Four: Respect 

With a Reflection by Alan Smith

Focussing on the honour shown within the family and respect for the sanctity of life, this session explores the theme of respect.


Tuesday 2nd August

Session Five: Righteousness

With a Reflection by Lucy Winkett

Looks at the commandments about adultery and theft and their implications for our daily lives.


Tuesday 9th August

Session Six: Reliability 

With a Reflection by Joanne Grenfell

What are the dangers of dishonesty and covetousness? This session looks at the damage they may cause

ON Saturday 2nd July 2016. 
If you are interested in finding out about Cursillo please talk to Simon or one of the members of the congregation who have been on a Cursillo weekend.

All Saints Video page
Have you visited this yet? It is an attempt to communicate with our parish in a new way.

SACRED SPACE - next Sacred Space TUESDAY 28th JUNE 8pm and then MONDAY 25th July 8pm

OUR FAMILY SERVICE this coming month will be Sunday 10th July at 10am at All Saints church. At this service William Peter Whittaker will be baptised. The Whittaker family are often at our Family services and so welcomed Simon's suggestion that they have their son baptised at this service.

We will discuss what we will say about All Saints at the Church Council on Monday evening. All warmly welcome!
Click on poster to see larger text size!

A very special event! Please do come to this next event!

The Annual Blessing of the Waters service
Organised by the Kent County Association of the Men of Kent and Kentish Men
Will take place at Reeves Beach (between the Horsebridge Centre and the Harbour) on Thursday 28th July at 6.45pm
All very welcome at this wonderful occasion!


I am delighted to announce that we have received the pledge of a substantial grant of £12,375 from Viridor for our Church organ refurbishment scheme 

This takes our total to £34,010 , a total which includes many  generous gifts from members of the church and the wider community. 

Hopefully I should be able to inform you next month where we are with this appeal but it looks like we are very nearly there and I would fully expect the work on the organ to start sometime between now and the end of this year.
I will give you more information next month. It will be discussed this coming Monday at our Church Council.

Choir/Worship Leader required
All Saints Whistable – in the Whitstable Team Ministry
Do you feel like inspiring and motivating us to express our love of Christ further through developing our worship at All Saints?
You will work alongside our organist, choir and music group in developing a broad range of music styles at the church from choral to renewed modern choruses, plus have adaptability for Iona and Taize style worship too. The church encompasses a wide range of musical styles, so we seek someone with the ability to embrace such diversity and develop it further, helping to strengthen the choir and music group in its mission to our church congregation and community.
It is a one year initial contract, and 5 hours per week inclusive of preparation, practice and church service time. We already have a full time organist.

Please contact Rev Simon Tillotson by 31st July at or 01227 272308 for full details including rates of pay, interview date, and any further information.

The above advert has appeared in Unity Update and also on the Diocesan Website. 

It comes in response to a Church Council decision to invest a small percentage of our reserves in strengthening our choir through a new leader who would work alongside Michael Cooke our organist and members of the choir. The principle need is for recruitment and fresh vision and energy to ensure the choir grows in the coming years. We also require the person to assist with our music group, which at the moment is significantly short of musicians on certain weeks in the month.
Please will you pray for this venture. Many thanks to Michael Cooke for graciously making space for this appointment. 

If you are interested in singing in the choir or joining the music group please let either myself or the churchwardens or Michael Cooke know. Thank you. 


I am delighted to announce that we will be running a Christian holiday club for children this Summer as part of a series of two day holiday clubs across the Whitstable Team. Thank you so much to those who have come forward to assist with this.

Full details in the poster below.

It would be helpful for us to deliver leaflets around our pastoral district for this. 
If you can help with this please contact me by emailing me at and letting me know the following

a) You could do a street of up to 50 houses
b) You could do a street of up to 100 houses
c) You could do a street of up to 200 houses.

I will then ensure that you receive the fliers by the middle of July for delivery in the second half of July or early August. 

Here are the details of the holiday club.....
CLICK ON POSTER to see it in a larger screen format

 CAMEO/ FILM CLUB/ SINGING FOR FUN AND HEALTH - please see Church Website for more details. 

Now in its 10th year, this will take place on Sunday 14th August at 10am at the Vicarage garden. Please bring a garden chair and a pet if you have one. There will be a short said Holy Communion service at 11.15am which should be finished by 11.45am. 
The service will take place in the hall if it is wet and pets are welcome there too.

Every good wish

Rev Simon Tillotson - Team Vicar, All Saints Whitstable

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Location of Church - Click on picture!

All Saints Whitstable

All Saints Whitstable is a Church of England church in the Church Street area of Whitstable, between the railway station and the Thanet Way.
It has been in existence since at least the 12th century.
It is one of six churches that make up the Whitstable Team Ministry.
Church service times are 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10am Sung Communion on Sundays, with a Sunday Club for children.
A Family Communion takes place at 10am on the Second Sunday of each month where the children stay in church.
For more information on other services and general information please visit our main website which is or email the Vicar Rev Simon Tillotson at

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev


If you do not receive a monthly reminder about this e-letter yet why not email the Vicar at and he will add your email address to the database. Then you will receive an email once a month, with the occasional one mid month, to keep you informed of things going on in the life of the church and the wider community.

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

Location of church

Location of church
Click on map for further details