Dear Friends
Welcome to our September newsletter! We start with news of the All Saints BBQ this Saturday which is now not just for the children's groups but for everyone associated with the life of All Saints. No need to let me know if you can come - but if you are able to help with the BBQ please let me know
Our Church Newsletter is soon to arrive from the printers. Here is an online version of it.
If you can help to have it arranged into piles for delivering to streets please come to All Saints church on Saturday 7th September at 2.30pm after the 1pm wedding.
If you can deliver to a street and are currently not on the list of deliverers, please let me know by emailing me at
The Team Unity Update for September is here
Do come to our Barn Dance and Harvest Supper at the end of September:
Here are some more notices of importance:
Luke, who organises our alarms at our church, is doing a special sponsored event which I am happy to mention here. Please click below:
Luke Ticket Sponsored event
It is an anxious time. Let us all join in in prayer for our Government, Parliament and country at this difficult time. Do come to the Peace Day as part of that as on the newsletter.
With every good wish