Dear all
Spring is finally here but it is rather chilly nonetheless! Hopefully as April gets underway we should see temperatures slowly rise. We are only a month away from May which is a favourite month for many!
April continues as usual in the busy fashion that March was characteristic for here at All Saints.
It all starts this Sunday with our Mothering Sunday Family service at 10am.
Do remember that the clocks go forward an hour on Saturday night!
It is always a very popular service! Do come along! You would be most welcome!
The next event in April is the Confirmation service at St Martin's church in Herne when Elena Markova will be received into the Church of England and when her daughter Sophia is confirmed. The service is at 5pm at St Martin church in the middle of Herne village on Saturday 6th April.
Holy Week is not that far away. Palm Sunday takes place on Sunday 14th April and at our 10am service we will have a special drama. Please start off in the church hall at 10am.
Then on Maundy Thursday, 18th April, we will have our usual Agape Supper with Communion and optional footwashing, followed by the Stripping of the Altar. This event starts at 7.30pm and there should be a list at the back of church to sign up for it or you can email me now if you are thinking of attending at Please remember it is only a ceremonial meal and you should come to the event having already had your evening meal.
Good Friday, 19th April, we join with Christians from other churches to take part in the Walk of Witness, starting at St John's church, Swalecliffe at 9.30am, and finishing at St Alphege church, Whitstable at 11.30am approx. (could be up to 20 minutes either side of 11.30am).
It is always an inspirational event.
Then from 12 noon to 3pm we have our Three Hours at the Cross which is a time of prayer, worship and devotion. It is always possible to arrive or leave at the top of each hour.
Then on Easter Saturday there is a special Easter Vigil and Renewal of Baptism Promises at 8pm at St Peter's which all are most welcome to attend.
Finally, Holy Week concludes on Easter Sunday, 21st April.
At 5.45am we will have our special Sunrise service on the beach below the Marine Hotel, Tankerton. Please bring transport with you as the service concludes back in church. It is an early start as due to the date sunrise is earlier than normal this year.
This is then followed by our 8am Holy Communion service and 10am Holy Communion services led by myself. The 10am service has an Easter Egg Hunt for children. All are warmly welcome.
Later in April the Social Committee are organising a special Spring Ball. Here are the details:
Wishing you all God's blessing for the month of April and for your spiritual journey through Lent to the glories of Easter Sunday!
Then on Easter Saturday there is a special Easter Vigil and Renewal of Baptism Promises at 8pm at St Peter's which all are most welcome to attend.
Finally, Holy Week concludes on Easter Sunday, 21st April.
At 5.45am we will have our special Sunrise service on the beach below the Marine Hotel, Tankerton. Please bring transport with you as the service concludes back in church. It is an early start as due to the date sunrise is earlier than normal this year.
This is then followed by our 8am Holy Communion service and 10am Holy Communion services led by myself. The 10am service has an Easter Egg Hunt for children. All are warmly welcome.
Later in April the Social Committee are organising a special Spring Ball. Here are the details:
Tickets are going very well for this. Please note you have to go in person to the church office at the times shown on the poster to buy the tickets. We do not accept advanced orders or email or phone sales.
Another huge event coming to All Saints is WhitLit in May with internationally renown speakers:
Please visit our website for details of all our normal church groups and activities
Wishing you all God's blessing for the month of April and for your spiritual journey through Lent to the glories of Easter Sunday!
Notices from other groups and organisations:
Canterbury Contemporary Theology Group
Wednesday 10th April:
Becky Parker - Physicist, physics teacher, and Visiting Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy , Queen Mary, University of London, engaging young people in genuine research in the vastest and smallest aspects of the Universe.
‘The Amazing Universe – Physics and Wonder and Belief’.
The Canterbury Contemporary Theology Group is an ecumenical gathering that meets (usually) on the third Wednesday of each month from January to June at St Peter's Methodist Church, Canterbury. The church is about 200 metres from the Westgate Towers, towards the City Centre. The nearest public car park is Pound Lane. Meetings start at 7.30 pm and finish promptly at 9.00 pm.