The monthly e-newsletter from the Team Vicar of All Saints Whitstable, Rev Simon Tillotson
Visit our website for more info -

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

March 2017 Xtra newsletter

Dear all

I am pleased to say there are one or two signs of Spring on the horizon as I write this! I do hope you are all keeping well.

It seems that there is yet again  a great deal to tell you about!

Firstly, if anyone is interested in being Confirmed this year please click on this website - but remember please to come back to this newsletter once you have finished reading it.

The website is

Secondly, over 20 people attended our Celtic Christianity course which has just finished. If you would like to hear the course from your computer (only via a desktop or laptop not a mobile phone) then please click here for the website for that course.


Lent begins on 1st March, just a few days away.

On Shrove Tuesday - this coming Tuesday - we have our special "Burning of Palm Crosses Service" at All Saints at 7pm. This only lasts about 10 minutes but is a moving ceremony. Please do not hand your palm cross into church on Sunday but bring your cross to the ceremony. If you cannot make it to the service please put the palm cross through the Vicarage letterbox before Tuesday.

At 8pm on Shrove Tuesday we have Sacred Space for an hour. Please remember to bring a torch. It is a fitting way to mark the evening before the beginning of Lent.

On Ash Wednesday, 1st March, we have our annual Solemn Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes service at 8pm. Preacher and Celebrant - Rev Simon Tillotson.

If you have not been to this service before please do consider attending . It is a very moving service and an important one as we look at our walk with Christ and turn from anything wrong in our lives and turn towards the light of Christ. The imposition of ashes reminds us of our own mortality and our need to focus our Christian life on the "narrow path" of holiness that Jesus refers to in the Gospels.


Details will appear on our church website towards the end of March. Easter itself this year is not till Sunday 16th April which is very late compared to normal.



A reminder that Holyballoo starts again on Thursday 23rd February from 3.15pm to 4.15pm at All Saints church hall, Church Street, CT5 1PG. Suitable for parents/guardians to bring their young children to, it includes tea and coffee, craft work for the children and a game and usually a very gentle Christian teaching message led by the Vicar, Rev Simon Tillotson
Entrance will be round the back of the hall through the door nearest All Saints nursery school as the car park is being retarmacked
It is free of charge.


Churches Together in Whitstable are organising a series of Ecumenical Prayer meetings. These are very much not part of the "Notices from other churches" section of this newsletter. We are just as involved as any other church and will be hosting one in June. If you are able to come along to this Monday's meeting that would be greatly appreciated.

The Churches Together in Whitstable Away Day for ministers last autumn decided that we would hold these instead of the Westmeads service this year so please come and join with your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer!


Bishop Trevor Willmott visits the Deanery

Bishop Trevor is coming to Reculver Deanery for two meetings during Lent.  An opportunity to learn and grow.  The first will be at Christ Church Herne Bay on Tuesday 7th March at 7.30pm.  The second will be at our church, All Saints,  on Wednesday 22nd March at 7.30pm.  Please book the dates in your diary. The two evenings will not be the same and people are encouraged to try and attend both if that is possible. Thank you.


Rev Simon Tillotson (above) with Tarquin Wiggins who has restored our organ

Vicar issues special invitation to parishioners to church on Sunday 5th March

Special prayers of thanksgiving and recommissioning will be held at the Sunday morning service at 10am on Sunday 5th March at All Saints Whitstable for the Church organ which has been carefully and skilfully restored to pristine condition.
After a  project costing nearly £36,000, the All Saints Whitstable church organ was restored by the Organ Restorer and Tuner Tarquin Wiggins.
The organ had been in use up to its restoration but was showing signs of needing a complete overhaul.
It had to be painstakingly dismantled. Many of its 100 year old parts were renewed completely and others were refurbished. Decades of dirt and dust were removed from all areas of the organ. It was an intricate and delicate procedure taking hundreds of hours from an expert with decades of experience.
The work was carried out at Mr Wiggins' workshop in London and also in situ at the church over a period of several months from late 2016 to February 2017.
The money included a substantial grant of £13,797 from Viridor Credits who work on behalf of Viridor, the well known UK company which serves residential and commercial customers through recycling, composting, waste to energy plants, clinical waste services, and liquid and dry waste collection. Also many private donations were given from members of the congregation and the general public.Rev Simon Tillotson said "I am so grateful to all who gave to this project. We are particularly grateful to Viridor for their wonderful generosity and have installed a Viridor plaque in the north porch in recognition of this. The organ has been used for so many weddings, Sunday services and also, sadly, funerals, over the years, and is therefore a much loved "friend" of many people in Whitstable. We could not see it - or should I say her? - gradually falling apart. We have restored it for future generations. I would particularly like to invite those who have benefitted from its services in previous years to attend this service on Sunday 5th March at the church at 10am"



There are two Family Communions in February, as our Mothering Sunday service is also a Family service too.

The First Family Communion will be on Sunday 12th March at 10am - speaker Paula Trewin MBE. Please note that there will be a cake stall organised by the Sunday Club after this first Family service in March.

The Second Family Communion will be our Mothering Sunday Family Service on Sunday 26th March at 10am - speaker Rev Simon Tillotson. All children present will be given posies to give to their mothers.


Simon writes...
After a successful Celtic Christianity course I am now intending to focus on another key interest of mine - the relationship between Philosophy and Christianity

To find our more about this course please visit this website and let me know if you are interested in attending the course. Please note it runs over into the summer months too.

Click here


VICTORIA HALL launches a Junior Choir and also appeals for more singers for our adult choir. In this video she talks about our adult choir first and then our Junior Choir. This video was recorded last December but the information in it is still accurate. We now have three Juniors with more expected to join in September.



25th March from 10am - 4pm at Franciscan International Study Centre, Giles Lane, Canterbury Ending with tea and homemade cake Led by Revd Canon Toby Marchant Suggested donation £10.00 or whatever you can afford. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea/coffee available throughout the day. Please let Anne Rees know if you are coming or want further details
Tel: 01227 275261

In St Alphege Church on SATURDAY 1st APRIL
from 9.30 to 11.00 am

An ancient healing experience for many.
An opportunity to slow down and reflect on your NOW.
A sacred window as we approach Easter.
Facilitated by Dr Martin Garsed


Please can you make a note in your diary that the

All Saints Annual District Church Meeting

will be on

Sunday April 2nd at 11.15am straight after the 10am service.

We hope to finish it by 12 noon. There will be an opportunity for those who wish to stay for a Bring and Share Lunch.
We are looking for new members of our Church Council. If you would like to stand please talk to Simon or one of our Churchwardens. Meetings take place every two months and there is also an expectation that you attend a sub-committee in the intervening month.

Please email Pat Hudgell at if you have any questions about the below rota - remember to click on the rota to see it in large screen format



Click to read in large screen format

Click to read in large screen format


3rd Whitstable (All Saints) Scout Group will be holding their first Jumble Sale of 2017 in All Saints Church Hall, Church Street, Whitstable , CT5 1PG on Saturday 25th February. Doors open at 2pm and the admission fee is 20p each. Jumble may be brought to the hall between 9am and 11am on the morning of the sale.

The Diocese of Canterbury
Sheila Rooke, Safeguarding Administrator
Diocesan House, Lady Wootton's Green, Canterbury CT1 1NQ
Tel: 01227 459401
Dear colleagues,
As you will be aware the diocese offers safeguarding training to parishes which is delivered by a small group of trainers. We emailed round last year and several people came forward expressing interest but we are looking to enlarge the team still further as we implement the new parish training course designed by the national church.
Would you, or anyone you know, have the necessary experience and expertise to deliver this training to groups of up to 30 people in parish/benefice settings? A background in social work or an allied profession is helpful. Full training on the materials will be given, along with ongoing support.
All training courses are delivered by two trainers.  We offer a flat rate of £25 per hour to cover time and expenses.
Anyone interested should contact Lesley Weaver on or 07971626567 or the Safeguarding Office on 01227 459401. 
Best wishes,
Sheila Rooke
Safeguarding Administrator
This email has been sent to PDOs, Assistant PDOs, CP Co-ordinators, AP Co-Ordinators and parish Secretaries.


St Peter's Contemporary Theology Group
2017  Programme

The St Peter's Contemporary Theology Group is an ecumenical gathering that meets (usually) on the third Wednesday of each month from January to June at St Peter's Methodist Church, Canterbury.  Please note that the January meeting this year is on the fourth Wednesday.  The church is about 200 metres from the Westgate Towers, towards the City Centre. The nearest public car park is Pound Lane.  Meetings (usually) start at 7.45 pm and finish promptly at 9.15 pm.

Our meetings are open to all who are interested in honest and lively discussion on contemporary themes in theology and religion.  Whatever your interests or viewpoint, you will be most welcome to join us.  There is a charge of £3 at the door to cover the expenses of our speakers and an honorarium.  Students under 25 are not charged an entrance fee.  A season ticket of £12 is also available, covering all the lectures (therefore two lectures are free), either at the door or by writing to P J Knight at 28 Forty Acres Road, Canterbury, CT2 7HL, enclosing a cheque made out to Contemporary Theology Group and an s.a.e. 

Wednesday 15 March
John Bell Church of Scotland minister, hymn writer, broadcaster and former student activist, member of the Iona Community, concerned with the renewal of congregational worship.
The Danger and Delight of Congregational Song.

Wednesday 19 April
Robert Willis – Dean of Canterbury, Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, accomplished pianist and opera enthusiast and writer of several hymns.
[In this the 500th anniversary of Luther’s ninety-five theses …]
Is the Church in Need of a New Reformation?

Wednesday 17 May
Ilan PappĂ© – Jewish Israeli historian, Professor of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter, author of (among others) The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.
[In this the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, and the 50th anniversary of the occupation of the Palestinian Territories …]
The Palestinian 1948 Catastrophe and its Relevance Today.

Wednesday 21 JunePlease note that this meeting will start at 7.30 pm and finish at 9 pm.
Andrew ChandlerReader in Modern History at Chichester University, founder of the George Bell Institute to support the work of international scholars and thinkers, interested in the interrelationship of politics, religion and diplomacy across the twentieth century.
The Legacy of Bishop George Bell.

For further details about any of these meetings please contact any of the following:

Judith Dimond:; Keith Dimond:;

John Bown: 01227 764876,; P.J. Knight:;
Stephen Prickett:;  Doreen Rosman: 01227 452242

Radical Welcome!   Saturday March 18th  10 am - 4.30 pm  Following our celebration of inclusion last weekend St Stephens Canterbury will be holding a study day in church to help us all understand exclusion and welcome people better  All welcome, lunch included, no charge but please register as soon as possible  as places are limited - by signing sheet at the back of church or emailing 

Peter D Toon 

48 Broad Street CT1 2Ls

Diocesan Secretary
Diocesan House,
Lady Wootton's Green,
Kent CT1 1NQ
Tel: 01227 459401

Dear colleagues,

Prayer connects us to God: the air we all breathe, our magnetic north, our daily bread. Through prayer we are rooted in God and discern a direction of travel.

As a diocesan family, we are a praying people, together in community, rooted in a shared life of prayer.

The Open Diocesan Synod on 11 March at the John Wallis Academy, Ashford, will focus on to ‘renewing our life together in prayer.’  It will be a morning of inspiration and challenge and all are welcome to join us - whatever your age or tradition, however you may relish or struggle with prayer. Together, we’ll engage in conversation, share ideas and tools to take away so that we and our communities might renew our commitment to a life rooted in prayer.

We will be joined on the day by Sonia Beranger, Sub-Prior of the Community of St Anselm’s at Lambeth Palace, who will share with us how prayer is both a challenge and a pathway to the wonder of God. She will lead us in ‘breaking open the word’ as we spend time listening in prayer together. We’ll also hear from others whose lives have been transformed by different ways of praying and there will be a free resource pack to take back to our church communities. Save the date and book online here.

At the event, Bishop Trevor will issue a call to prayer to the diocese. A call to renew our life together in prayer and join together in a Diocesan Day of Prayer on 18 November 2017. From Margate to Maidstone, from Sheppey to Sandwich, from Dungeness to Deal: we will be called to share in prayer to renew us for God’s service. There will be opportunities for everybody to get involved in all kinds of ways, whoever and wherever you are.  Save the date!

Kind regards,

Julian Hills
Diocesan Secretary


Location of Church - Click on picture!

All Saints Whitstable

All Saints Whitstable is a Church of England church in the Church Street area of Whitstable, between the railway station and the Thanet Way.
It has been in existence since at least the 12th century.
It is one of six churches that make up the Whitstable Team Ministry.
Church service times are 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10am Sung Communion on Sundays, with a Sunday Club for children.
A Family Communion takes place at 10am on the Second Sunday of each month where the children stay in church.
For more information on other services and general information please visit our main website which is or email the Vicar Rev Simon Tillotson at

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev


If you do not receive a monthly reminder about this e-letter yet why not email the Vicar at and he will add your email address to the database. Then you will receive an email once a month, with the occasional one mid month, to keep you informed of things going on in the life of the church and the wider community.

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

Location of church

Location of church
Click on map for further details