The darker evenings are now upon us and it is only just over a month till Christmas. Already if you go into many a shopping centre it feels like Christmas has already arrived. However, we still have the season of Advent to come before Christmas!
However you spend the coming days, may I wish you both a blessed Advent and a blessed Christmas for when it arrives.
Every good wish
The first thing to mention is our Christmas Fair which is this coming Saturday at the Church hall. Full details here
The next thing to mention is our Advent Carol service on Sunday 3rd December. Here are the details
At this point, may I thank you all for your responses with the Trio (The Responsibility Is Ours) campaign. If you have not yet had a watch of the video please click on this website to see the video and to access the forms.
Click HERE to be redirected to our Trio campaign website and to watch the video/access forms for giving
Before I mention anything else, here are the details of the Christmas services for 2017. It was so wonderful seeing so many people at our Christmas services in 2016 and if you are able to come to at least one or two of the services this year that would be great.
Saturday 16th December starts 4pm, (45 minutes in length) – Christingle service in the church . Please bring a donation for the charity The Children’s Society. Led by Rev Simon Tillotson
Saturday 16th December starts 4pm, (45 minutes in length) – Christingle service in the church . Please bring a donation for the charity The Children’s Society. Led by Rev Simon Tillotson
Wednesday 20th December starts 7pm (45 minutes in length) – Carol singing outside the church with Whitstable Brass – wrap up warm and bring a torch, followed by mince pies and mulled wine and soft drinks in the hall. Please bring a donation for the homeless charity Catching Lives. Led by Rev Simon Tillotson
Wednesday 20th December starts 7pm (45 minutes in length) – Carol singing outside the church with Whitstable Brass – wrap up warm and bring a torch, followed by mince pies and mulled wine and soft drinks in the hall. Please bring a donation for the homeless charity Catching Lives. Led by Rev Simon Tillotson
Christmas Eve Crib Services (45 minutes in length). Two in a row with exactly the same content in each. Now at the new times of 3pm and 4.30pm to allow those arriving for the 4.30pm space to park. Carols and fun for all ages. Led by Rev Simon Tillotson
Christmas Eve Crib Services (45 minutes in length). Two in a row with exactly the same content in each. Now at the new times of 3pm and 4.30pm to allow those arriving for the 4.30pm space to park. Carols and fun for all ages. Led by Rev Simon Tillotson
Eve Midnight Communion 11.15pm (1 hour 15 minutes). Ends early Christmas Day about 12.30am.
Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
Christmas Day Communion services
Holy Communion (BCP) 8am (45 minutes)
Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
Christmas Day Communion services
Holy Communion (BCP) 8am (45 minutes)
Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
Sung Holy Communion 10am (1 hour 15 minutes)
Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
NB No Sunday Club this morning
Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
NB No Sunday Club this morning
Another important event in the life of the church is the Labryinth which Dr Martin Garsed will be running.
DECEMBER 9th - ALL SAINTS CHURCH - 12pm to 3pm
THE LABYRINTHThe labyrinth is an ancient symbol, metaphor and experience of prayer, holding, healing and renewal. It is one path, a journey into one's deeper self and into that which is beyond, God. This is an opportunity for spiritual renewal and encouragement on your journey. Do come and “walk the path“.
All Saints Film Club continues as usual. If you would like to see the programme for the Christmas period, when the focus is very much on musicals, please click HERE. Membership is £5 till the end of 2017 and then £10 for the whole of 2018. We also ask for £1 a week to cover the costs of refreshments. Just come along on Thursdays from 11.15am to find out more.
Holyballoo also continues on Thursdays in November and up to the end of term. It is a children's club but parents are asked to supervise their children. Craft, refreshments, tea and coffee, games, and some Christian teaching. Let me (Simon) know if you are interested by emailing me HERE or at
Did you know that there is a mid week Holy Communion in the church on Thursdays from 10am to 10.45am every week at which prayer is offered for healing and wholeness. Please do come along if you would like to experience this quiet service for yourself.
Did you know that there is a mid week Holy Communion in the church on Thursdays from 10am to 10.45am every week at which prayer is offered for healing and wholeness. Please do come along if you would like to experience this quiet service for yourself.
are requested as interviews take place in early December for the post of new Team Rector of Whitstable and Lead Minister of St Alphege Seasalter, a combined role.
I am very grateful to the Churchwardens who have offered to organise a drinks party on my 50th Birthday which will take place on Friday 29th December, the day of my Birthday. It will be from 5pm to 7pm in the church hall. There is no need to reply. Simply come along if you are free. Children most welcome too. You are all warmly invited. No gifts thank you. Just your company! Rev Simon Tillotson.
PLEASE REMEMBER - we are always on the look out for new choir members. This is for both our adult and junior choir. Please contact Victoria on 07780 827107 for more information.
Please come to our Churches Together Prayer Meeting this Monday
Also, a reminder that Sacred Space meets on Tuesday 19th
3rd Whitstable (All Saints) Scout Group will be holding a Christmas Fair on Saturday 2nd December, 11am to 2pm in the Scouts HQ to the rear of All Saints Church Hall. Admission is free and attractions include Tombola, Crafts, Games, Refreshments and our ‘Too good for the Jumble’ stall. Many of the stalls will be run by the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers themselves so please come along and give them your support.
Friends of Whitstable Hospital and Healthcare are holding a Christmas Coffee Morning on Dec 2nd 10.00am - 12.00 noon at the hospital.
Come and enjoy coffee and mince pies and support the work of the Friends. There will be a raffle and stalls selling homemade cakes, Christmas cards, books and puzzles and gifts.
Gifts of raffle prizes and cakes for sale on the day will be very welcome. If you can offer help in any other way please get in touch with me, Georgina Baker 01227 906307 or email
Dear Parish Priest, Reader, PCC Secretary, Pilgrim to the Holy Land, or simply Friend,
Please take a moment to read this; I think it is important !
The Amos Trust is holding a Carol Service in Canterbury on Thursday 7th December at St Peter’s Methodist Church, St Peter’s Street, (continuation of the High Street).
For those of you who don't already know, Amos Trust is a small, creative human rights organisation, committed to challenging injustice, building hope and creating positive change. Its three areas of work are among street children in South Africa, Burundi, India and Tanzania; building sustainable rural communities in Nicaragua and India; and working for a just peace for Palestine.
I began to work with Amos Trust through my own involvement in Israel and Palestine.
Every year Amos Trust holds an excellent Carol Service in London at St James's Piccadilly. It is seeking to make this Carol Service more widely available, and is experimenting by ‘exporting’ it to Canterbury this year.
Thank you for reading this. Thank you also for anything you will be doing to make the service widely known about.
Yours sincerely,
Bishop Richard Llewellin