I do hope you are very much enjoying the summer. I cannot remember such a sunny one, at least for us in the South East of England, for many years. We have also been fortunate to have had lots of warm days, though I must confess sometimes I wish it would be a bit cooler.
We have had lots of weddings this year. Even if you are not on Facebook, you should be able to see photos of our various weddings by clicking on this link
Not all couples choose to appear on this Facebook page, and we still have quite a number of weddings before the end of the summer. Please will you pray for the future happiness of all our couples? Thank you.
Here are a few things that may be of interest to you in the coming few weeks.
Firstly, Sacred Space takes place again this coming Tuesday. This poster will tell you all you need to know about Sacred Space. Why not give it a try this time? Click on the picture to see it in large screen format (this is the case for all the pictures and posters on this mailing).
Also next week is our Children's Holiday Club. I do not have the latest details of how many have booked so if you want to see if there is still spaces on this please call the phone numbers on the posters. I am very much looking forward to being involved in this and am very grateful to our large team of volunteers who are helping to run it along with Jane Myhill from Seasalter Christian Centre and Naomi Smith from St John's Swalecliffe.
Please will you pray for the Holiday Club - that all will go well? Thank you.
The Holiday Club at All Saints on
Wednesday 31 August and
Thursday 1 September expects
30+ children which is great news.
We need small
(nut free) cakes
for the children –
can you supply any
for either day? If
so, Pat Hudgell
would love to hear
from you ASAP!
Her telephone number is 280262
and her new email address is:
The Holiday Club at All Saints on
Wednesday 31 August and
Thursday 1 September expects
30+ children which is great news.
We need small
(nut free) cakes
for the children –
can you supply any
for either day? If
so, Pat Hudgell
would love to hear
from you ASAP!
Her telephone number is 280262
and her new email address is:
We have received a recent generous donation for this appeal which takes our total to about £1500 but we will probably need to raise a great deal more than that in order to resurface our car parks and churchyard paths. We are still in the process of getting quotes for this project and I should be able to give you more details next month.
Although we have not formally received quotes yet, we anticipate that if we do the job professionally we could be looking at upwards of £60,000. That has been the size of one quote so far received.
We have received some much cheaper quotes but these do not include digging up the foundations of the paths and car park, removing tree roots, and putting in a substance which counteracts the slippage caused by the clay soil.
We have tried in the past to patch up the paths cheaply and the work has lasted a matter of 3 years before the paths have started deteriorating. Now is the time to really do a professional job on both these and the car parks. We have a duty to safeguard them for future generations, even though work will inevitably be needed again in future years.
We know we can fundraise and attract grants because we have been successful with both the Shirley Hall and the Church Organ.
There are two matters as well as the quotes which we need to mention to you now.
1) Do you feel able to give to this project? It may be early days, but donations at this point will help give energy and confidence to the project. If you are able to make a special one-off donation, please make cheques payable to All Saints Whitstable DCC and send to Malcolm Waller, Church Treasurer, Church Office, All Saints Church, Church Street, CT5 1PG. It is extremely important you enclose a note saying you want your gift to go the Car Parks and Churchyards appeal or we will not know you are intending your gift to go there. Alternatively, if you wish to give an online donation, there are details on the church website or at this link, but again you need to contact us to let us know you are intending your gift to go to this appeal.
2) Our second great need at this time are people who are willing to come on this committee. Do you have time to attend meetings and help with fundraising events such as quiz nights and other such things? Please let me know if you do by emailing me at tillotsons@gmail.com or calling me on 01227 272308. We will probably meet about once a month, at least in the initial stages, and less often once the process is up and running.
We need two helpers to provide lifts for members of our congregation otherwise unable to get to church on Sunday for our 10am service. Please speak to one of the churchwardens if you can help. (You will be on a rota so this is not every week.) Please be aware that national guidelines mean that a DBS (formally known as Criminal Records Bureau) check is necessary for all such lift schemes run by voluntary organisations such as churches. This is just a reality of life and it casts no doubts on our extreme appreciation of the gifts you can offer in this way.
This is getting urgent so please do contact the churchwardens if you can help. Margaret Arnold on 01227 793588 or Mike Binks on 01227 274370 . Thank you. Giving lifts makes such a difference to those you help.
Our Family Service will be as normal on the Second Sunday of September with our usual Family Communion at 10am. This is Sunday 11th September. Our speaker this coming month will be Paula Trewin MBE. All welcome. The rest of the month is our normal 10am Sung Holy Communion service and our Sunday Club will be running each week as normal with the children starting in church at 10am with the rest of the church members. Please speak to Simon if you want details of this by emailing him at tillotsons@gmail.com or calling him on 01227 272308.
email: yukiotani5@gmail.com
Celebration of Reader Ministry service in Canterbury Cathedral and the Licensing of Denise Blaskett as Reader
Sunday 25 September at 6.30 pm.
It is the 150th Anniversary of the modern Reader movement and the service will include the admission and licensing of Denise Blaskett who has trained to be a Reader at All Saints over the last two years, and whose training will continue for a further two years but who is formally admitted and licensed at this stage in the process.
It is a real joy to welcome Denise into this ministry and I do hope that as many All Saints folk will be there as possible. We shall be saying a special commissioning prayer of our own for Denise on the Sunday afterwards at the 10am service.
Sadly, due to holiday booked long before I knew this date, I cannot be there myself, but Canon David Springthorpe will be representing All Saints clergy at this event, though other clergy and laity are of course most welcome to attend.
There will be light refreshments before and after the service in the Chapter House.
Please pray for Denise as she approaches this special day and for her ministry in the coming years amongst us. We give thanks for all she offers to us.
A number of people have mentioned to me that they would like to go on a
Pilgrimage again. Having said that I know Rev Keith McNicol is about to
lead an excellent pilgrimage to the Holy Land and I am very grateful to
Keith for doing this, as many All Saints people will be attending.
prayer and reflection I am thinking of leading a Pilgrimage to Greece.
It would be a 10 day trip and it is fairly expensive I am afraid at
£1795 per head and this does not include a single room supplement of just over £300. Lunches are also not included in the trip though all other meals and gratuities are. The
costs are high because of the poor Euro Pound rate at the moment.
It would be through the McCabe Pilgrimages organisation. Places visited would include Philipi, Lydia, Thessalonica, Beroea, Larisaa, Meteora Monasteries, Thermopylae, Delphi, Athens, and Corinth. Obviously we would visit Greek anquity sites as well as places from the New Testament and St Paul's travels. McCabe are suggesting 18 to 27 September 2017.
Let me know if you might be interested. Understanding the Greek context for St Paul's writings is very helpful in our general understanding of the New Testament and the growth of the church in the early period of church history. It is also a beautiful country of course.
I was quite keen to avoid Turkey due to the political instability and so Turkey is not included.
Here is the video of the sort of thing that happens though this video is not going to be the exact route we will follow
It would be through the McCabe Pilgrimages organisation. Places visited would include Philipi, Lydia, Thessalonica, Beroea, Larisaa, Meteora Monasteries, Thermopylae, Delphi, Athens, and Corinth. Obviously we would visit Greek anquity sites as well as places from the New Testament and St Paul's travels. McCabe are suggesting 18 to 27 September 2017.
Let me know if you might be interested. Understanding the Greek context for St Paul's writings is very helpful in our general understanding of the New Testament and the growth of the church in the early period of church history. It is also a beautiful country of course.
I was quite keen to avoid Turkey due to the political instability and so Turkey is not included.
Here is the video of the sort of thing that happens though this video is not going to be the exact route we will follow
Please note our Harvest Service is not till Sunday 9th October at 10am. Please come ready with tins and packets of food to donate to a local homeless charity (also if you attend our 8am service).
There will also be our usual Harvest Supper and Barn Dance on Saturday 8th October and details will follow in due course. Please see the church notices (which are available on the church website www.allsaintswhitstable.com )
Cameo (Come And Meet Each Other) continues in September from 2pm to 3.30pm on Mondays. Tea, coffee, cake and chat. Please note there is no Cameo this coming Monday, the 28th August, as it is a Bank Holiday.
Singing For Fun and Health.
This continues on the third Wednesday of each month from 2.30pm to 4pm. So in September it will be taking place on Wednesday 21st September. A large number of people come to this event now. You can find out more by clicking HERE
The Film Club starts up again after the summer break on Thursday 8th September. You can find out more about the Film Club and the programme for the late summer by clicking HERE
All Saints is hosting an event for the Deanery in October - see details below. We need church members who are willing to set up the tables and chairs for this event and lay the tables and be there to generally be helpful as well as to clear things away afterwards.
We also need people from All Saints to actually attend the event. Will you consider coming to this? If so please put the date in your diary now!
The team is looking for volunteers – it’s a good hobby and a way of serving the church and the many wedding couples who come to our church for their marriage. If you are not experienced then training will be given.
Church flower arranging takes place every Friday from 10 am – 12 noon.
Please phone Margaret Arnold (793588) if you are interested or want more information.
This is repeated from last month but as we have another Cursillo weekend coming up soon I thought it would be good to reproduce it.
Could Cursillo be for you?
This is repeated from last month but as we have another Cursillo weekend coming up soon I thought it would be good to reproduce it.
Could Cursillo be for you?
Vivienne Lateu, a member of the 10am Sunday service congregation, has recently attended a Cursillo weekend and wrote as follows about her experience:
My four days at the Cursillo was full of prayer, friendship, tears and laughter.
It was a privilege to praise God with other Christians and to know that so many people were praying for me while on my special journey was at times overwhelming.
My faith in God has been renewed knowing that He is with me in good times and bad is a great comfort to me. I am sure that what I experienced during the journey on this course with Christ holding my hand will reveal his plans for me.
I would recommend the Cursillo to anybody who wants to know more about being a Christian and living a Christian life.
A huge thank you to all the people who gave up their time and worked so hard before, during and after Cursillo #55.
'Happy are those whose hearts are set on the pilgrim way' Psalm 84.5
Vivienne Lateu
The next Cursillo weekend will be held at Judds Folly Hotel, Syndale Park, London Rd, Faversham, Kent ME13 0RH. The weekend will commence on Thursday 20th October 2016 and finish on Sunday 23rd October 2016. Please let us know if you are interested in coming on it.
The next Cursillo weekend will be held at Judds Folly Hotel, Syndale Park, London Rd, Faversham, Kent ME13 0RH. The weekend will commence on Thursday 20th October 2016 and finish on Sunday 23rd October 2016. Please let us know if you are interested in coming on it.
3rd Whitstable (All Saints)
Scout Group will be holding a Jumble Sale in All Saints Church Hall, Church
Street , Whitstable , CT5 1PG on Saturday 17th September. Doors open
at 2pm and the admission fee is 20p each. Jumble will be accepted at the hall
between 9am and 11am on the morning of the sale.
that the Diocese run by clicking on this link
Grace Gospel choir
from Denmark
Thursday 1 September
at 7.00 pm
in St Alphege, Whitstable
Free concert with retiring collection
in aid of their Raise the Roof