Dear all,
Easter is nearly upon us so I thought I would send out the April Xtra together with details of Holy Week and Easter. Therefore this comes to you a couple of weeks earlier than usual.
There are quite a few new faces at our church who may not know what the different events of Holy Week and Easter entail so here is a description.
Please may I firstly bring to your attention our Annual Church Meeting at 4pm on 20th March, Palm Sunday, in the Church Hall. We would very much like to see a good attendance at this event as we elect our churchwardens for the coming year and members of our church council, Parish church council, and Deanery Synod, and hear about the life of the church. There will be a drinks party afterwards to which you are all welcome to stay.
If you have not read the annual review of 2015 there is a version of it online at this link
Click here for Annual Report of All Saints 2015
HOLY WEEK AT ALL SAINTS - please read descriptive text in red for description of each event
Sunday March 20th - Palm Sunday
8am Holy Communion (BCP) - Rev Simon Tillotson
Sunday March 20th - Palm Sunday
8am Holy Communion (BCP) - Rev Simon Tillotson
Our quiet and
contemplative 8am service follows the Book of Common Prayer and normally last
just over 40 minutes.
10am Sung Holy Communion with children's groups Adventurers
and Xplore - Canon David Springthorpe
Palm Sunday is always a special day in
the life of All Saints. Please gather at the church hall before the 10am
service as we will process through to the church. Please make sure you have been given
a palm cross and your service leaflets in the hall as there may not be time to
pick them up as you process in at 10am. The procession leaves the hall at
Sunday Club will process into the church with everyone and then return to the hall as normal for Sunday Club at about 10.15am.
Sunday Club will process into the church with everyone and then return to the hall as normal for Sunday Club at about 10.15am.
Monday March 21st
Sacred Space - 8pm to 9pm at All Saints church
Please remember to bring a torch to this event which features a lot of quiet, as well as prayer. Excellent preparation for the events later this week.
Maundy Thursday 24th March
10am Healing Eucharist - Rev Fred Smale
Sacred Space - 8pm to 9pm at All Saints church
Please remember to bring a torch to this event which features a lot of quiet, as well as prayer. Excellent preparation for the events later this week.
Maundy Thursday 24th March
10am Healing Eucharist - Rev Fred Smale
Have you been to our
Healing Eucharist before? It is on every Thursday at 10am, normally with a
congregation of about 20. Please do give it a visit this week!
Maundy Thursday
7.30pm Agape Supper with optioning footwashing - please email if you are intending to come. Celebrant Canon David Springthorpe and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
This event takes place in the church. It is important people eat a light meal before attending this service as it is just a ceremonial meal with fruit, bread and cheese. We sit in the central nave and join in a Holy Communion service. There is the option of having our feet washed by our neighbour which is entirely voluntary (people not wishing to partake can simply “sit out” for that part of the ceremony). The evening finishes with the “Stripping of the altars” as we prepare for the most solemn time leading up to Easter Day.
Please can you sign up at the back of church on Palm Sunday if you are planning to attend this or send me an email at now and I will put your names on the list of those attending.
7.30pm Agape Supper with optioning footwashing - please email if you are intending to come. Celebrant Canon David Springthorpe and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
This event takes place in the church. It is important people eat a light meal before attending this service as it is just a ceremonial meal with fruit, bread and cheese. We sit in the central nave and join in a Holy Communion service. There is the option of having our feet washed by our neighbour which is entirely voluntary (people not wishing to partake can simply “sit out” for that part of the ceremony). The evening finishes with the “Stripping of the altars” as we prepare for the most solemn time leading up to Easter Day.
Please can you sign up at the back of church on Palm Sunday if you are planning to attend this or send me an email at now and I will put your names on the list of those attending.
Good Friday 25th March
10am Churches Together in Whitstable "Walk of Witness" starting at Tankerton Evangelical Church, Northwood Road
10am Churches Together in Whitstable "Walk of Witness" starting at Tankerton Evangelical Church, Northwood Road
A wonderful event
involving nearly all of the churches in Whitstable. The procession makes its
way from Tankerton Evangelical church – now called Riverside Church – on Northwood
Road, to the Harbour, and then on to St Alphege Whitstable. If you feel you
cannot do the whole walk you can meet the procession at the harbour at about 10.30am
to 10.45am (though times are hard to predict).
12 noon to 3pm on Good Friday
Three Hours at the Cross led by Bishop Richard Llewellin
Three Hours at the Cross led by Bishop Richard Llewellin
Please note if you are not staying the whole three hours
the time to arrive or leave is at 12.50pm and 1.50pm not the top of the hour
this year.
Bishop Richard Llewellin
was for many years our Bishop and we welcome him back to All Saints for this
special event. If you are unable to stay for the whole hour please note the
times you should enter and leave the church are different from usual this year.
Holy Saturday 26th March
8pm Easter Vigil and Renewal of Baptismal Promises at St Peter's church, Sydenham Street
8pm Easter Vigil and Renewal of Baptismal Promises at St Peter's church, Sydenham Street
Although attendance at
this event is very small, it is a very powerful spiritual service at my other
church, St Peter’s, on Sydenham Street. The church starts in complete darkness
so please bring a torch with you. It is a very powerful service which I
strongly recommend and follows the understanding that Easter Day begins at
nightfall the day before, using the Jewish understanding of the day beginning
at nightfall.
March 27th - Easter Day
6.30am Sunrise Service on the beach below the Marine Hotel
6.30am Sunrise Service on the beach below the Marine Hotel
We always time this
service so that it fits in with dawn. This means some years we have the service
as early as 5.15am when Easter falls in late April. This year, we appear to have
a lie in – though actually we do not as the clocks change and we have one less hour overnight!
Nonetheless, please join us on the beach promenade
below the Marine Hotel. Please bring transport with you as the service finishes
in church and there are then hot cross buns and coffee afterwards in the hall. This
is a lovely service. Highly recommended!
8am Holy Communion - Rev Simon Tillotson
Our quiet and contemplative 8am service follows the Book of Common Prayer and normally last just over 40 minutes. Come and celebrate Easter!
Our quiet and contemplative 8am service follows the Book of Common Prayer and normally last just over 40 minutes. Come and celebrate Easter!
10am Sung Holy Communion with Easter Egg hunt for children - Rev Simon Tillotson
Attendance is normally very health for this special service, but please do not get caught out by the clock change overnight! Come and celebrate the Risen Christ on this special morning which finishes with each person holding a candle aloft to proclaim the victory of Christ over sin and death.
Confirmed speakers so far
Julian Brazier MP Canterbury and Whitstable
Attendance is normally very health for this special service, but please do not get caught out by the clock change overnight! Come and celebrate the Risen Christ on this special morning which finishes with each person holding a candle aloft to proclaim the victory of Christ over sin and death.
All Saints Whitstable, Church Street, CT5 1PG will be
hosting a Public Debate on the Referendum issue
on Friday 22nd April at 7.30pm
Confirmed speakers so far
Julian Brazier MP Canterbury and Whitstable
Keith Walsh - Chairman UKIP Canterbury
James Flanagan - Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesman, Canterbury and Whitstable.
James Flanagan - Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesman, Canterbury and Whitstable.
Michelle Freeman - Press Officer of Canterbury District
Green Party
Simon Warley - Herne Bay Labour and part of the Labour IN campaign in Canterbury & Whitstable and North Thanet
Simon Warley - Herne Bay Labour and part of the Labour IN campaign in Canterbury & Whitstable and North Thanet
A non political party affiliated speaker from Vote Leave
will also speak meaning there will be three people speaking in favour
of staying and three in favour of remaining
The debate will be chaired by Rev Simon Tillotson in a
Question time style debate. Each speaker will have two minutes to lay out their
case at the beginning of the debate. The debate will conclude with an audience
vote through show of hands.
The event will be free of charge but is ticketed due to high
expected demand and unwillingness to disappoint people on the night.
Tickets will be available by sending stamped addressed envelope with number of
tickets required to "Referendum Debate, All Saints Church Office, Church
Street, Whitstable, CT5 1PG". They are also available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 10am to 11.30am at All Saints church office.
Please include any question with your mailing and we will
select questions in advance of the debate
The debate will be recorded and available to listen to on
the church website at a later date
Rev Simon Tillotson says "Although I take a strictly
neutral line as chair of this debate, this is quite fortuitious as I am yet to
make up my mind on how I will vote on this crucial issue. We have 300 tickets
available as All Saints is a large church but I hope those who are unable to
obtain a ticket will be able to listen to the debate on our church website in
the days after the debate (it will not sadly be live streamed!). I am very keen
that the church is not separated from the rest of society, and churches are
often places that host such debates, as we saw with the Election Hustings at St
Alphege Whitstable before the General Election campaign"
Our Family Communion service will take place at 10am on Sunday 10th April - all most welcome
4 – 8 MAY 2016
When we go to Germany we are overwhelmed by the sheer generosity and hospitality our Christian brothers and sisters offer. Now it’s our chance to do the same for them. If you can’t host but would still like to help out then here’s your chance – for example by providing cakes/biscuits, savoury flans, desserts etc or being prepared to be part of a team to wash up or serve food etc.
If you want to do this please get in touch with Roz Button (274711) who will be delighted to hear from you. (There will be a Bring and Share lunch after the 10 am service on Sunday 8 May at which some of our German visitors will be present and you’re most welcome to come along.)
NEVE SHALOM WAHAT AL SALAM means “Oasis of Peace” in
Hebrew and Arabic. It is the only place in Israel where some 100 families, Jews, Christians and Muslims have equal status. Keith McNicol spent 2½ months there on sabbatical at the beginning of 2012. The primary school children are taught in both Hebrew and Arabic. The School for Peace runs courses on peace-making up to MA level.
Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam is a beacon of light in the darkness that overshadows the lives of many in
the Holy Land. Jenny Nemko is Chair of the British Friends of Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam. She will speak about the village on 29 March at St Paul’s church, Canterbury at 7.30pm. For more information, contact Rev Keith McNicol. Rev Keith McNicol is
the new chair of Whitstable Christian Aid. He is asking each parish/church/congregation to find a person to be on the Town
Christian Aid Team. If you have a passion for helping in and enabling the eradication of world poverty, please contact Keith on 264592 or 07714 104272.
You are invited to the Reculver Deanery Meeting "Loving yourself
as your neighbour - Self-care for Christians" with Sarah Chapman Diocesan Healing and Wholeness Adviser Wednesday 27 April 2016 St Andrew’s Christian Centre, Hampton Pier Avenue, Herne Bay, 7.45 – 9.30 pm with refreshments All are welcome. There is no charge for this event
The next Cursillo weekend will be held at Judds Folly Hotel, Syndale Park, London Rd, Faversham, Kent ME13 0RH. The weekend will commence on Friday 27th May 2016 and finish on Monday 30th May 2016. PLease can you talk to Simon or another Cursillista in All Saints if you would like to come on a weekend. They can be life changing experiences!
Our Family Communion service will take place at 10am on Sunday 10th April - all most welcome
4 – 8 MAY 2016
When we go to Germany we are overwhelmed by the sheer generosity and hospitality our Christian brothers and sisters offer. Now it’s our chance to do the same for them. If you can’t host but would still like to help out then here’s your chance – for example by providing cakes/biscuits, savoury flans, desserts etc or being prepared to be part of a team to wash up or serve food etc.
If you want to do this please get in touch with Roz Button (274711) who will be delighted to hear from you. (There will be a Bring and Share lunch after the 10 am service on Sunday 8 May at which some of our German visitors will be present and you’re most welcome to come along.)
NEVE SHALOM WAHAT AL SALAM means “Oasis of Peace” in
Hebrew and Arabic. It is the only place in Israel where some 100 families, Jews, Christians and Muslims have equal status. Keith McNicol spent 2½ months there on sabbatical at the beginning of 2012. The primary school children are taught in both Hebrew and Arabic. The School for Peace runs courses on peace-making up to MA level.
Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam is a beacon of light in the darkness that overshadows the lives of many in
the Holy Land. Jenny Nemko is Chair of the British Friends of Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam. She will speak about the village on 29 March at St Paul’s church, Canterbury at 7.30pm. For more information, contact Rev Keith McNicol. Rev Keith McNicol is
the new chair of Whitstable Christian Aid. He is asking each parish/church/congregation to find a person to be on the Town
Christian Aid Team. If you have a passion for helping in and enabling the eradication of world poverty, please contact Keith on 264592 or 07714 104272.
You are invited to the Reculver Deanery Meeting "Loving yourself
as your neighbour - Self-care for Christians" with Sarah Chapman Diocesan Healing and Wholeness Adviser Wednesday 27 April 2016 St Andrew’s Christian Centre, Hampton Pier Avenue, Herne Bay, 7.45 – 9.30 pm with refreshments All are welcome. There is no charge for this event
The next Cursillo weekend will be held at Judds Folly Hotel, Syndale Park, London Rd, Faversham, Kent ME13 0RH. The weekend will commence on Friday 27th May 2016 and finish on Monday 30th May 2016. PLease can you talk to Simon or another Cursillista in All Saints if you would like to come on a weekend. They can be life changing experiences!
From other organisations
Please visit our website for information on our usual midweek groups such as Cameo, Singing for Life and Health, our Prayer Shawl group and the Film Club