The monthly e-newsletter from the Team Vicar of All Saints Whitstable, Rev Simon Tillotson
Visit our website for more info -

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

New Year Xtra 2016

Dear all

Rev Simon Tillotson writes...

A very Happy New Year to you! I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for you and your family for 2017

I am issuing a further Xtra for the New Year as a lot of new things have come in.

Firstly, there is a Family Service this Sunday, 8th January,  with a speaker, Rachel Van Hoven, from the charity "Porchlight" speaking. The service begins at 10am and I do hope you will come along.


Holyballoo is currently taking a break but starts again on Thursday 19th January. Please click on this picture for details of Holyballoo!


Starting this coming week, I will be running a course on Celtic Christianity.

Full details can be found at this link. Please note because of the take up, the course may be in church in which case I will put a note on the Vicarage door on Tuesday evening and try and email those coming beforehand. Here are the details.


We have an important Deanery Event coming up. The details are on this poster below- please click on the picture for full details.

We would like to encourage as many people as possible to attend this event. Please can you put it in your diary and come along if you possibly can!

I would particularly like to encourage members of the DCC and MLT and all those with an active ministry of some sort be it on a Sunday or with one of our midweek groups. However, even if you are not involved in one of our groups, please come along - your presence would be most welcome!


The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is shortly to begin. Here is a poster to find out about what is happening. If you click on the picture the text should come up full size on your screen. It is a great way to join in fellowship with Christians from other churches in the town.
The speakers will be as follows:

I will issue the dates for Sacred Space next month but the Sacred Space date for January is MONDAY 23rd January from 8pm to 9pm


Whitstable's female equivalent to Gareth Malone is calling all people old and young to join the choir at All Saints Church, Whitstable!

Victoria Hall, a postgraduate of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and the University of Southampton, has taken the post of Choirmistress at All Saints, Whitstable and is now on a mission to recruit so many new people that the church run out of choir robes!

Victoria is a professional musician and teaches Singing, Piano, Recorder and Flute both privately and in schools across Kent and in London. She said "The choir and the church family at All Saints are wonderful. We only have a few members in the choir currently and really would like to grow in numbers. I'm inspired by my Grandfather, Roy Rogers who's led choirs and played the organ across the county for over 70 years. He had 30 in his first choir and a waiting list! I'm sure we can do the same!"

The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings 7.15-8.45 at All Saints Church and sing in the services every Sunday morning and once a month at Evensong, as well as weddings. It doesn't matter if you have never sung in a choir before or if you don't read music. We also understand that now and again people can't make rehearsals and services; we just ask you to make whatever you.

Victoria is also relaunching the All Saints Junior Choir in the New Year. Beginning on Thursday 19th January, the Junior Choir will rehearse weekly in the Church Hall from 5.20 - 6pm. This is open to boys and girls from the age of 7 - 16. The Junior Choir will sing once a month at the family services; 10am on the second Sunday of each month. Again there is no requirement to read music or have had previous singing experience.

If you'd like to try the Choir, do go along to the Church on a Thursday. We look forward to meeting you!
Please contact Victoria on 07780 827107 or email her at

All Saints Clubs

CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) continues on Mondays from 2pm to 3.30pm (apart from Bank Holidays). It involves drinking tea and coffee, eating cakes, and chat, as well as board games. Please consider coming along and meeting new people

Takes place on the third Wednesday in each month from 2.30pm to 4pm. Lots of singing and refreshments half way through. Make new friends.

Thursdays from 11.15am. £10 a year as of January. No charge for remaining films of this year other than £1 refreshment charge.


Give the gift of reading to a child in your community…
Beanstalk, a national literacy charity, is searching for members of the community in the Whitstable and Herne Bay area to volunteer as Reading Helpers in local primary schools in a bid to raise literacy levels and to inspire confidence in struggling and reluctant readers.
Beanstalk reading helpers have a direct impact on changing the life of a child by spending just three hours a week, giving them the skills, confidence and imagination they need to succeed in life.
Beanstalk volunteer reading helpers spend 30 minutes 1-to-1 with each child twice a week and try to bring the joy into reading, by reading fun books together, chatting and playing games. Each volunteer will support 3 children, twice a week (3 hours total). Very importantly, Beanstalk sessions are meant to be very different from normal school and are relaxed, informal and fun.

No experience or qualifications connected to working with children are required to become a reading helper. Beanstalk provides training and ongoing support. Beanstalk just needs volunteers to have a passion for working with children to give them the best possible chance of improving their confidence and literacy.

Beanstalk takes safeguarding very seriously and conducts enhanced DBS-checks and a thorough interview process.

To apply visit or call our Maidstone office on 01622 662 026. Alternatively email

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Xtra update for November 2016 - by Rev Simon Tillotson

Dear all

We are experiencing beautiful autumnal weather as I write this on 22nd October. I do hope you are keeping very well indeed.

The coming weeks see a range of events at All Saints and this e-newsletter is designed to keep you up to date with events in the church.

All Saints Patronal festival is taking place on Sunday 30th October, the nearest Sunday to All Saints Day.
We will have a special service at 10am with the former Bishop of Durham, the Rt Rev Michael Turnbull, preaching. Bishop Michael is a long-standing friend to All Saints.

After the service we will have soft drinks and wine in the church hall to celebrate our patronal festival.

I would be so grateful if people could make a special effort to attend church on Sunday 30th October. I realise it is half term week but if you are able to be there, please do come along. Thank you. Let us celebrate the Saints together!


Please can I bring to your attention the next instalment of the Pilgrim Course which will be taking place on Tuesday evenings at the Vicarage from 7.45pm (not 7.30pm) to 9.15pm.

We will be looking at the beatitudes which are the sayings of Jesus such as "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God...Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy."

The course is free of charge with the exception of the course manual which is £6 each and can be shared between two people.

I strongly recommend this course and it would be great to see some new people coming along.
For full information please visit this website:


Tickets are selling very fast for this event already.
It will take place at the Vicarage garden on Saturday 5th November
Gates open at 6.15 pm
Refreshments, Glow Bracelets, Sideshows, Bonfire, Fireworks

Tickets: Adults £5, Child (3 – 15) £1* (*accompanied by adult in a family group)

The tickets are only available after the Sunday 10 am service or from Church Office on Tuesdays, Thursdays Fridays or Saturdays between 10 am and 11.30 am    You are strongly advised to purchase tickets early in advance to avoid disappointment as numbers are limited and there are NO TICKETS ON THE GATE.    

No sparklers or personal fireworks are allowed for insurance and safety reasons.
Also I am afraid we are not able to reserve tickets if you request this to be done by email, phone, or in person. It is first come first served! Please do not miss this very popular event!

You are warmly invited to our next Choral Evensong which will take place on Sunday 30th October at 4pm. We are also recruiting new members for our choir. Please let us know if you are interested in joining or come along to find out more on Thursdays at 7.15pm at the church (entrance door is the one nearest the hall).


This is special service where we remember loved ones who have passed away and read their names out. It is later followed by a candle lighting ceremony to conclude the service at which those who mourn are invited to come forward and light a candle in memory of that loved one.

I shall be leading and preaching at this service and it will take place on Sunday 6th November at 6.30pm at All Saints church. Please email me at if you have some names of loved ones you would like us to read out or alternatively please fill in the names on the sheets at the back of the church.


This will take place on Sunday 13th November at 10am finishing with the two minutes silence outside the church (whatever the weather so come prepared).

Also on Armistice Day on Friday 11th November there will be a short service starting at 10.50pm at the same War Memorial (outside the West porch of the church).

Please click on poster to read text

Holyballoo starts on Thursday 17th November 2016 on Thursdays from 3.15pm to about 4.45pm. It is fine to arrive later than this or leave early.
It is an All-Age informal act of worship in the church hall similar in style to Celebrate when it ran on Sunday mornings.
We are urgently recruiting adults to help with the logistics though we now have two helpers who have come forward to assist Denise Blaskett and I with this project. We would welcome more helpers please and it would be a weekly or fortnightly commitment as any less frequent than that would make it difficult to build up relationships with the families that will be attending.

Also, if you are a parent who is planning on bringing your child along, please note you should accompany your child throughout the whole event. It would be helpful to let me know if you are planning to attend by emailing me at Thank you.

It should be a lot of fun. "Church on Thursdays" for families that find coming to church on Sunday mornings impossible for all sorts of reasons. It will be light-hearted, informal with lots of action songs and jumping around and activities. It will be free of charge though donations for refreshments will be welcomed.

We will start with refreshments from 3.15pm and then the worship will begin at 3.45pm. The worship and talk and activity will conclude by 4.20pm and the last twenty five minutes will again have refreshments. This is a good opportunity for parents, children and staff simply to chat and get to know one another as in our increasingly rushed society we are often far too busy to do this.

Can I ask the whole church community to pray for HolyBalloo and also to consider mentioning it to your children or grandchildren if they live locally. Let us make HolyBalloo a holy and fun project which helps the social and spiritual lives of adults and children, visitor and helper alike. Thank you.


Christmas Fair. Saturday 26th November. 10am- 1.30 pm.
           All Saints church hall. Come and join the fun.
           Books,crafts, cakes, raffle,Tombola,
           And lots more. Why not visit Santa in his grotto?


These three mid week clubs continue to thrive.

Cameo is a popular tea and coffee social event on Monday afternoons from 2pm to 3.30pm in the church hall, apart from Bank Holidays. Tea, coffee, cake, chat and also the opportunity to play board games. A theatre trip is also taking place this month.

Singing for Fun and Health takes place on the third Wednesday of each month from 2.30pm to 4pm at the church hall. It involves a lot of singing and also socialising. Come along to find out more.

The Film Club takes place on Thursdays from 11.15am to 2pm. The full programme for film club can be found here
The cost is now only £5 from now to the end of 2016


Congratulations to Denise Blaskett who was licensed as a Lay Reader for All Saints at Canterbury Cathedral in September. We look forward very much to Denise's continuing ministry amongst us in the coming years at All Saints.


Please click on this picture to find out more information. We now have 12 pilgrims. It promises to be a very exciting and spiritually uplifting trip. Alternatively visit this website

A Reflective day in preparation for Advent led by Terry Rees
Saturday 12 November 10.00 am – 4.00 pm The Franciscan Study Centre
Giles Lane, Canterbury (a turning on the left off the Blean Road after the mini roundabout before the University turning).  
Please bring a packed lunch.  Drinks provided. Suggested donation £10.00 Lifts can be arranged. For further information or to book a place please see Anne Rees (01227 275261)


If you would like to fill a shoebox for either a family or an elderly person abroad, please take a leaflet from the table at the back of church for further details.  Shoeboxes will need to be brought to church and given to Jo Springthorpe by Sunday 30 October at the latest, so that they can be taken in time to the Area Collector.   Thank you very much!


Saturday 12 November Seasalter Christian Centre 7 for 7.30 pm
£7.00 per person (includes a fish and chip supper). To book your table please contact Rev Keith McNicol (264592) or email


We have received a recent generous donation for this appeal which takes our total to about £1500 but we will probably need to raise a great deal more than that in order to resurface our car parks and churchyard paths. We are still in the process of getting quotes for this project and I should be able to give you more details next month.

Although we have not formally received quotes yet, we anticipate that if we do the job professionally we could be looking at upwards of £60,000. That has been the size of one quote so far received.

We have received some much cheaper quotes but these do not include digging up the foundations of the paths and car park, removing tree roots, and putting in a substance which counteracts the slippage caused by the clay soil.

We have tried in the past to patch up the paths cheaply and the work has lasted a matter of 3 years before the paths have started deteriorating. Now is the time to really do a professional job on both these and the car parks. We have a duty to safeguard them for future generations, even though work will inevitably be needed again in future years.

We know we can fundraise and attract grants because we have been successful with both the Shirley Hall and the Church Organ.

There are two matters as well as the quotes which we need to mention to you now.

1) Do you feel able to give to this project? It may be early days, but donations at this point will help give energy and confidence to the project. If you are able to make a special one-off donation, please make cheques payable to All Saints Whitstable DCC and send to Malcolm Waller, Church Treasurer, Church Office, All Saints Church, Church Street, CT5 1PG.
It is extremely important you enclose a note saying you want your gift to go the Car Parks and Churchyards appeal or we will not know you are intending your gift to go there. Alternatively, if you wish to give an online donation, there are details on the church website or at this link, but again you need to contact us to let us know you are intending your gift to go to this appeal.

2) Our second great need at this time are people who are willing to come on this committee. Do you have time to attend meetings and help with fundraising events such as quiz nights and other such things? Please let me know if you do by emailing me at or calling me on 01227 272308. We will probably meet about once a month, at least in the initial stages, and less often once the process is up and running.



From our curate Rev Fabian Wuyts

An exciting new initiative from the Churches Together in Whitstable called “The Haven Project” is on the move.  This joint venture will be seeking to provide light refreshments, laundry and shower facilities.  If you are passionate about helping the homeless we would like to meet with you.  To that effect, we will be holding an information session on the 9th of November 2016 from 2-4pm at St John’s Methodist church.  Kate Grant will be talking about a similar initiative called the GAP Project currently running in Broadstairs.  It is our hope that following the session, we will be able to build a small team of volunteers willing to commit on Wednesdays from 2-4pm on a weekly or fortnightly basis.  For more information, please contact Roy Hollands ( or Rev’d Helen Letley (


Fabian Wuyts
Whitstable Ministry Team
St Andrew’s Vicarage, 38a Saddelton road
Whitstable CT5 4JH
01227 652130

An appeal from the Oasis Trust about the Refugee problems
Please visit

Notice of Open Synod from the Diocesan Secretary
Diocesan House,
Lady Wootton's Green,
Kent CT1 1NQ
Tel: 01227 459401
Rooted in prayer; courageously led; diverse in age: a diocesan strategy for renewal
Notice of Diocesan Open Synod
Saturday 12th November 2016
The Archbishop’s School, St Stephen’s Hill, Canterbury CT2 7AP
   9.30 am - 2.30 pm
The church across the country faces serious challenges and exciting opportunities at the moment.  As a Diocese we are working on a clear and bold strategy to meet these challenges as we seek:
·                   To grow the church numerically and spiritually
·                   To re-imagine ministry
·                   To build partnerships that enrich communities
We will share this strategy at the Diocesan Synod on 12th November and invite you to join us to shape it further.
Places are limited so please secure yours by booking here. Please bring a packed lunch.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Julian Hills
Diocesan Secretary


Good Morning,

Just some dates that some of you may be interested in.
1) Befriender training day. Some of you have expressed an interest in becoming a befriender/support worker with the clients we have, if that is you I would like to recommend attending this training day to hear what is involved in becoming a support worker.
It is being held in Maidstone on Thursday 10th November 10am-12.30pm.
Wendy Parkinson from CAP headquarters will be running this day and having heard her speaking before I would thoroughly recommend coming to hear her speak on the work CAP do and how you can be part of this.
If you would like to come please let me know as soon as possible. If you need  transport please let me know and I will try to arrange this for you, maybe  others who are coming would indicate if you are willing to drive and if you have seats for others- thank you.

2) We are running another CAP Money course in November, if you or anyone you know would benefit from this course please book on.
It is being held at Harbour Street Church on Wednesday's 16th/23rd/30th 10am-12md.
This course deals with how to budget, spend and save and those that have attended previous courses have found it to be very useful.
Again please let me know and I can book you a place.

3) Late notice, I know, but if anyone is free this evening for an hour between 7.30pm and 8.30pm, our monthly share and prayer meeting is being held at Harbour Street Church. You would be most welcome.

I will follow with a client update in the next day or two, thank you for your continuedprayers and support.


Joyce Mitchell
Centre Manager - Whitstable
Christians Against Poverty

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

October Xtra Newsletter

Dear all,

I am sending this newsletter out now as October is a busy month in the life of All Saints and it is important that we give people advanced notice of events that are happening.

Firstly though may I say that I do hope you are very well and that I hope you are still enjoying the summer which seems to be very much in full spate today on 13th September!


Harvest is soon upon us.

On Saturday October 8th we have our Harvest Supper and Barn Dance.
Tickets are on sale now from John Johnson (01227) 262581 or any Social Committee member.
Adults: £6, Children 5-15 yrs £3; Under 5yrs free
Starts 6.30pm. Ends about 10pm.
This is always a light-hearted and popular event and you are advised to order your tickets soon.

The day after, Sunday October 9th, we have our Harvest Family Communion service at 10am. Please bring tins or packets of food - not fresh food - to both the 8am Holy Communion and 10am Family Communion services. This will be given to the charity "Catching Lives" which works with the homeless in Canterbury.

All Saints always brings a very generous amount of food to church on this Sunday and we do ask both children and adults to participate in the donation.

A poster of the Harvest Festival is below - please click on the screen to enlarge:

However, before that, on Sunday 25th September, we have a very important event in the life of our church when Denise Blaskett is licensed as Reader (Lay Preacher) for All Saints. This will occur at 6.30pm at Canterbury Cathedral and it would be great if members of All Saints could attend the Cathedral to support Denise. Thank you.


We had an important church council on 12th September.
At the meeting we made a number of important decisions.

1) Owing to a number of incidents we are now requiring dog owners to put dogs on leads when in the churchyard. You will see the signs appearing in the churchyard in the coming days to this effect.

2) We have decided as a Church Council to fully support the Churchyard Car Parks and Paths appeal which is in the process of getting underway. There is a new website with details on the Church Council's significant donation to this appeal and ways in which you can be involved.
Please click on this link to visit it.

3) The Church Council agreed with the setting up of a new informal church service on a Thursday afternoon for families and their children.

Rather similar to Celebrate, this is aimed at strengthening our relationship with families and children in this part of Whitstable which will hopefully have a positive effect in encouraging them to come to church on Sundays. However, even if they do not do that, it will in itself be a valuable enterprise giving families and children the opportunity of hearing about Jesus and his love for us.

Please remember to click on the poster to see it wide screen. This goes for all the pictures and posters on this website.

I need to appeal to our regular congregation and anyone else who has connections to All Saints to consider helping me with Holyballoo. I will need at least two helpers per week on a monthly rota system to help with refreshments and setting up and clearing away.
Would you consider being a helper? Obviously, if you can help more than once a month, that would be even better. Perhaps you can let me know by emailing me at

Holyballoo is being given extra help by the fact that Denise Blaskett will be helping me to run the project as she is asked to be involved in a Mission Project as part of her training. Denise will therefore assist me with the talks and the running of Holyballoo in its early stages.

I would also like you to pray for this project please. We did make the right decision in losing Celebrate as we are no doubt a more united church family now, but at the same time we also lost an informal act of worship which has instant connections with our informal culture. This will hopefully reawaken a spirituality and style of worship which we have lost in recent years and aid our mission into the future.


Many of you will be aware Victoria has been leading our choir in a voluntary capacity in recent months. As from this week she will formally be taking over the leadership of the choir, working alongside Michael Cooke our organist.
This photo was taken at Victoria's wedding to Chris in August at All Saints.

Please pray for Victoria as she starts work this Thursday and for the choir, which has already grown since she started helping a few months back.

At the same time, we continue to be blessed with a wonderful music group led by Dave Parry which will continue to play at our Family Communion services alongside the organ, and we will have Victoria playing with one or two other instrumentalists on two or three other Sundays a month for some of the songs and hymns, with the organ playing as usual for large sections of each service too.


That brings me to news of the Church Organ.

This is being renovated by the London Organ Restorer Tarquin Wiggins. See this website to view his work:

Tarquin will be beginning work on restoring the organ to its full potential and replacing all the worn parts from 10th October onwards. For a period of months the organ will be out of action. However, there will be an electric organ that will sound just like a normal church organ instead. You may be pleasantly surprised to hear how realistic it sounds. Watch this space...


Deanery Meeting coming ..
Why the church needs men’s ministry!

Speaker – Stuart Budden of Christian Vision of Men
Saturday 15 October 9.00 -11.00 am
(please arrive at 8.45am)
All Saints Church Hall
Breakfast, talk, discussion & prayer
An open meeting for men and women in Reculver Deanery.
Book a place with Hazel 749762 or at

As we are hosting the meeting we will  need a team of  volunteers to help set up the hall and to clear up afterwards.  If you can help please speak to Christine Williams, Deanery Lay Chair or one of our Churchwardens. Please could people make every effort to attend this event. Thank you.


I (Rev Simon) am leading a PILGRIMAGE to Holy Island and Iona next year. We now have 15 pilgrims who are definitely coming plus two or three more interested.

For information please visit this website

COMING UP IN NOVEMBER....Click on poster to read text. Our famous and ever popular.....

The highly popular Annual FIREWORK NIGHT at ALL SAINTS will be on Saturday 5th November in the Vicarage Garden, Church Street CT5 1PG.

Tickets will only be sold in advance this year- NO TICKETS ON THE GATE
Price is unchanged at £5 for adult, £1 for a child (3 - 15 in a family group)

TICKETS will be available from 9th October – the day of our Harvest Festival Service 
from All Saints Church Office (which is at the churchyard end of the main hall, the door at the top of the ramp)
on Tues / Thurs / Fri / Sat ~ 10-11.30am
or from Church Hall (through big glass doors) on Sundays after service - (approx 11.15-11.45)

Please purchase your tickets early in advance to avoid disappointment as numbers are limited, and they won’t be available on the gate.
Gates open at 6.15 to allow you plenty of time before the main action starts to buy glow bracelets, hot dogs, doughnuts, or drink if you wish, or to have a go at one of the sideshows (includes Splat the Rat and the popular lollipop game) 

This poster is being delivered around the parish as a flyer together with details of our Holyballoo venture and also our churchyard appeal.
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP THIS FLIER IN MID TO LATE OCTOBER - can you let me know if you can help please?
We do not normally approach our usual deliverers who deliver the newsletter for the fliers but if any regular deliverers feel they can help with the mailshot please let me know. Thank you.



Winifred Knights

The Life of St. Martin of Tours  

7 October 2016


Canterbury Cathedral Archives Reading Room

All our usual groups like Cameo, Singing for Fun and Health, and the Film Club, continue in October. Please see our website for full details.

Location of Church - Click on picture!

All Saints Whitstable

All Saints Whitstable is a Church of England church in the Church Street area of Whitstable, between the railway station and the Thanet Way.
It has been in existence since at least the 12th century.
It is one of six churches that make up the Whitstable Team Ministry.
Church service times are 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10am Sung Communion on Sundays, with a Sunday Club for children.
A Family Communion takes place at 10am on the Second Sunday of each month where the children stay in church.
For more information on other services and general information please visit our main website which is or email the Vicar Rev Simon Tillotson at

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev


If you do not receive a monthly reminder about this e-letter yet why not email the Vicar at and he will add your email address to the database. Then you will receive an email once a month, with the occasional one mid month, to keep you informed of things going on in the life of the church and the wider community.

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

All Saints Church Monthly Newsletter

Location of church

Location of church
Click on map for further details